
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Funcom’s The Park releases today

The first single-player spin-off of The Secret World is finally here, as Funcom's The Park is coming out today. Players in the game visit the...

Not So Massively: Destiny’s development woes (October 26, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
Ah yes, teamwork.

Log in to Star Trek Online today for a free ship upgrade token

Star Trek Online is hyping its upcoming Season 11: New Dawn update by giving away item mall stuff. Today's freebie is a ship upgrade token,...

Gloria Victis’ ‘massive UI overhaul’ is nearing completion

Fantasy PvP sandbox Gloria Victis is nearing completion on its "massive UI overhaul." A new website update says that final tests have been ongoing...

ZeniMax seeks a million reasons to play Elder Scrolls Online

Are there a million reasons to play Elder Scrolls Online? ZeniMax thinks so, which is why it's come up with a new #MillionReasonsToPlay marketing campaign. The...
Whale whale whale.

Worlds Adrift previews its creature-based ecology

The developers of Worlds Adrift currently have three types of creature in the game. Yes, just three. If that sounds like a rather small...

Marvel’s All-New, All Different initiative means new Marvel Heroes costumes

Marvel's All-New, All Different initiative is coming to Marvel Heroes. Entertainment Weekly has a new trailer that introduces team-up and character costumes for Spider-Gwen,...

Aion is coming to Steam October 29th

If your Christmas wish list includes adding Aion to your Steam library, you get an early present this year! NCsoft Associate Brand Manager Sean...
Just keep going down.

EverQuest II previews the Stygian Threshold

Those familiar with EverQuest II might expect that an area with a permanent portal into the Underfoot plane would be a kind of unpleasant...

The Blood Moon returns to Champions Online

Halloween madness has risen all over Champions Online, and only courageous heroes can help save the day. As a plus, they'll blend right in...
Not happening.

Saga of Lucimia prides itself on group-based teamplay

Soloers, you are not welcome in Saga of Lucimia. At least that's the tone of developer diaries for the upcoming sandbox in which the team boldly...
Slowly, no craters.

The fine art of bringing your Elite: Dangerous ship in for a landing

Planetary landing in Elite: Dangerous will involve more than simply pointing your ship at the nearest planet and kicking your engines to full. That's...

Overwatch’s closed beta starts tomorrow

Good news for Blizzard fans: Players might get a shot of seeing the studio's newest game a little sooner than expected, as Overwatch is...
To be fair, some enemies would fear a hatchet.

Final Fantasy XIV unveils a trailer for its next patch

The first major patch for Final Fantasy XIV goes live on November 10th, and as usual, it's packed with things to do. There are...

MMO Week in Review: 2015’s MMORPG zenith is now (October 25, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! Welcome,...

EVE Vegas 2015: Project Discovery gamifies scientific research

One of the problems facing some fields of scientific research is that there are often huge numbers of images to classify and analyse, and...

Shroud of the Avatar starts playing with ocean effects

Water is about to get a lot more interesting in Shroud of the Avatar. Starting with Release 23, the game is experimenting with advanced...

The MOP Up: The secret history of Destiny (October 25, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

World of Tanks releases Update 2.3 on consoles

Wargaming has deployed World of Tanks' 2.3 update on Xbox One and Xbox 360 consoles. Highlights include the new Team Destruction game mode, PvE-specific...

Get Elder Scrolls Online for about $20 this weekend

If you've been holding out on purchasing the buy-to-play Elder Scrolls Online in the hopes of scoring a great deal, then this might be...