
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Sea of Thieves outlines weekend events and previews Chainshot cannon ammunition

There's a new episode of the Sea of Thieves News out there, and it's once more full of quick-hit information on things that are...
No, you're thinking of a guy with two knives.

Check out footage of Blade & Soul’s upcoming Unreal Engine 4 client from the Korean server

It's a well-known fact that Blade & Soul is getting an engine upgrade to Unreal Engine 4. How much will that actually do for the...

EVE Online tours offices as fans debate potential coronavirus impact on Fanfest

MMO players will recall that all throughout 2019, EVE Online studio CCP Games changed up its usual Fanfest in Reykjavik, Iceland, opting instead to...

PSA: Black Desert is zero dollars on PC right now, go get some

Free MMOs! Getcher free MMOs here! Yes, Black Desert goes on sale for PC quite a bit - everyone knows it's the cash shop...

MMO Business Roundup: Valve is shopping around Dota 2’s top tourney

Time for another quick roundup of a bunch of MMO-adjacent businessy stories that were drowning in our busy Thursday newsroom! The International: Valve is raising...

PAX East 2020: Guild Wars 2 teases Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire video

Blink and you'll miss it: Guild Wars 2's next big thing just got teased at the tail end of a PAX promo post, complete...

PSA: Get your free Sentient Jewel to celebrate Dungeons and Dragons Online’s 14th anniversary

Are you interested in making a Sentient Weapon with a bit of a draconic edge to it? Then you'll want this item code for...

Crowfall introduces its Thrall system arriving with the War of the Gods update

It would appear that Crowfall's War of the Gods update is bringing a whole lot of unique wrinkles to the throne war MMO. A...

Final Fantasy XIV launches behind-the-scenes Shadowbringers retrospective

The PAX East panel for Final Fantasy XIV will be streaming live on Saturday, February 29th. No, Square-Enix will not be attending the convention, but...

Shadow Arena’s closed beta test has officially begun – are you trying it out?

Shadow Arena, Pearl Abyss' one-time battle royale mode for MMORPG Black Desert, officially hits closed beta today as a standalone title. "Shadow Arena pits 40...
Please don't be horrible?

Blue Protocol aims for Japan first, the world after – confirming western arrival

With closed beta on the way, excitement and anticipation is building for the anime-styled Blue Protocol. But when will it come out -- and,...
Medusa Oblongata

Coronavirus fears knock out more PAX East exhibitors, but GDC will go on as planned

Hi-Rez Studios and That Game Company have become the latest game studios to back out of PAX East 2020, which begins today. "After some internal...

Roblox is worth $4 billion now, clocks over 115 million monthly users

Hey, you know what's worth $4 billion these days? It's not your Magic: The Gathering collection, that's for sure. No, it happens to be...

Astellia Online’s upcoming event celebrates the coming of spring

Guess what? Spring is coming, and we are still in the grace period when cheeky references to some other season approaching are present in the...

Digital Foundry’s latest Star Citizen tour examines SOCS, procedural damage, and more

If nothing else, Star Citizen is a game that loves the finer details that give players a sense of space and simulation, but some...

Book of Travels’ first dev blog covers multiplayer endeavours

Despite (or perhaps, because of) being a small, quiet title, Book of Travels is one of our most anticipated MMOs for 2020. As they...
We all become.

Final Fantasy XI is hiring a community planner in Japan, hinting at bigger news

Something seems to be afoot for Final Fantasy XI. There was obviously reason to speculate that something was afoot when the February 27th fan gathering...
To sink beneath.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands continues its march of encrypted alpha builds

In the abstract sense, it's really not unheard of that we as of yet don't know more about World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. It's not all that...

ARK Survival Evolved’s Genesis chapter has launched, with the second part coming next winter

After quite a bit of delay, ARK Survival Evolved has finally pushed out the first chunk of its Genesis content. Genesis was originally announced...

Destiny 2 brings back Trials of Osiris on March 13, talks about changes to Seasons and weapon longevity

Destiny 2 is moving ever onward with the new and now, though some of its newest is actually a bit old. Remember when datamining...