
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Massively Overthinking: Gratitude for the devs of the MMO genre

Thanksgiving conveniently falls on a Thursday every year, which means it's the perfect topic for our regular Thursday Massively Overthinking roundtable. I've asked our writers what they're grateful for in and around the MMO genre the last couple of years - and now we're gonna do it again.
Is contempt the word I'm looking for here?

The Daily Grind: How many MMO guilds are you in?

I'm always impressed when I talk to MOP's Justin and he's just joined a new guild in the MMORPG he's playing at the moment....
Not paying attention is not a mark of honor.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO blessings to be thankful for in 2020

There is no doubt that this has been a much more difficult year than most in many respects, almost to the point where it's...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best twist on the archer class?

Call 'em Archers, call 'em Rangers, call 'em Katnisses -- whatever the designation, they're the ones who stand there with a bow looking all...
How dare I have to play to get things!

Massively OP Podcast Episode 298: The one with the chocobo

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Shadowlands, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2 Truce, Final Fantasy XIV, and Wizard 101, with adventures in New World and City of Heroes, plus mailbag topics on WoW marketing and our defining MMORPGs.

Choose My Adventure: Surprise storytelling in No Man’s Sky’s base building progression

It was often remarked going in to this week’s Choose My Adventure task that base building in No Man’s Sky is something of a...

First Impressions: Atlas Rogues’ current early access is a broken imitation of Atlas Reactor

Thanks to some truly weird control scheme issues, it took me an absurdly long time to clear a tutorial level. That was my opening...
Sometimes it's about tweaking the right people.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite ‘oh shit’ button in an MMO?

Last summer, I put up a Daily Grind on how people feel about "oh shit" buttons in MMOs - you know, those long-cooldown panic...

The Soapbox: How Pathfinder killed World of Warcraft for me

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands launches today. I will not be playing. Once upon a time, a new WoW expansion would be a major event...
A shameful spread of riches.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on the timeline of the next Final Fantasy XIV expansion

There are known unknowns and then there are unknown unknowns. This is true when it comes to Final Fantasy XIV at the moment. We know...

The Daily Grind: Do you organize your houses and inventories in MMOs?

I've seen your screenshots and houses and accounts and I know some of you folks are really not into organizing your video game characters'...

Global Chat: Are login rewards actually evil?

What could be evil about game studios giving out daily treats to its players? Settle back, folks, because Going Commando is going to tell you...

The Daily Grind: Do you follow the work of specific MMO developers?

If you've been around the MMORPG genre a while, you start to realize that specific developer names pop up again and again. Some of...

Battle Bards Episode 181: Around the world

Stuck at home? Denied a vacation this year? The Battle Bards are here to help! In seven songs, the cross-continental crew travel all around...

LOTRO Legendarium: Getting a glimpse of LOTRO’s 2021 plans

For a good long while now -- years, really -- I've joined the chorus of voices that have been asking Standing Stone Games to...

The Daily Grind: What are you thankful about in your MMO this month?

Creepy Black Spirit stares into your soul and wants to know... what makes you thankful for in MMO gaming right now? Be mindful that...

Pokemon Go is reviving some of the COVID enhancements it had earlier rolled back

Well, that was fast! This week, Niantic announced that it was bringing back in-game bonuses - such as buddies giving increased numbers of sendable...
All over again.

WoW Factor: A wild theory for World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands

I don't have quite as much as I would have expected to say about Shadowlands so close to its launch. Part of that is, of...
Mounting problems, if you will? Probably not.

The Daily Grind: Are you sick of being a tankmage in MMOs?

One of the very first gaming terms I ever learned in an online game was bestowed upon me as a teenager in Ultima Online,...

Massively Overthinking: No-thank-you bites in MMO gaming

One of the things I always try to have my kids do is take a no-thank-you bite of new foods. They have to at...