
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

This game? Sleazy? Whay a shock.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds adds new crate drops with a 0.01% drop rate for items

Hey, kids, you like random cosmetic rewards, right? The latest patch currently in testing for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds adds two new crates that can drop...
Swipe left.

World of Warcraft is patching in a way to purchase Legendaries directly in patch 7.3.5

One of the most ongoing issues in World of Warcraft's current expansion has been the preponderance of Legendary items and the general difficulty of...

Turn-based MMO Stash launches after quietly growing over the years

Back in 2016, we first heard about a unique-looking MMO that had just entered early access called Stash. This indie title eschewed modern conventions...
This was only the start.

Wisdom of Nym: Materia and stats in Final Fantasy XIV

When Heavensward was the current expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, we were introduced to the idea that you could meld materia onto valuable endgame...
Place after place.

Crowfall is spicing up its maps with ‘adventure parcels’

The maps in Crowfall are assembled in a combination of procedural and hand-crafted generation. Individual bits are hand-crafted, but the maps as a whole...

Hi-Rez Expo 2018: Hands-on with Paladins Battlegrounds, the game’s new battle royale mode

Paladins got not one but four announcements at this year's Hi-Rez Expo. There's a brand-new team death match mode coming as well as new...

EVE Online sunsets legacy APIs, delivers December economic report, and talks next week’s patch

May 8th, 2018. This date is important for players and community developers who are using older versions of EVE Online's API, as those legacy...
I suppose this is a problem I'm happy to complain about.

World of Warcraft’s allied races are an account-wide unlock — and here’s how you can get them

With Battle for Azeroth a ways down the road for antsy World of Warcraft fans, a lot of attention from the community has settled...
Catching up!

Catch up on the revelations from The Elder Scrolls Online’s most recent patch preview

Curious about the next DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online? We can hardly blame you; it brings with it much-desired features like home storage,...
No, you don't get it, she has no eyes.

WoW Factor: The fate of the class orders post-Legion, part 2

Back before the winter break, I took a look at how the various class orders are going to handle the increased conflict between the...

Blizzard has dispatched free Hearthstone packs as Kobolds and Catacombs dailies bug compensation

Stretch your mind back into last year just a few weeks and you'll recall that Hearthstone suffered an irritating or blessed bug, depending on...

Monster Hunter World schedules another PS4 beta, talks post-launch plans

Capcom is keeping those Monster Hunter World deets coming! The studio says it's planning on a third beta round for North American PlayStation 4...
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XI starts off 2018 with dog enemies and associated controversy

The first update for Final Fantasy XI is scheduled for later this month, and it's hitting the ground running with controversy. See, it's the...

Aion’s Heart of Frost update is coming next week

If you're sitting in a deep winter chill this week, you can be warmed by the news that Aion is bringing out its first...

Dark and Light cleans up its slums for its next update

Dark and Light has a slum problem that needs fixing. No, it's not the existence of slums, which apparently lend some atmosphere and authenticity...

Check out the starting cutscenes for the first four Allied Races in World of Warcraft

When are the first four Allied Races arriving in World of Warcraft? They're a big feature of Battle for Azeroth, but evidence increasingly points...

DC Universe Online brings back its anniversary event with a Krypto base pet

As one year passes into the next, DC Universe Online gets to celebrate another anniversary, and this time around it's bringing in a beloved...
Hooray, we still exist!

Blade & Soul celebrates its second anniversary with a new costume

Congratulations are in order for Blade & Soul as it celebrates its second year of operation, and as is most often the case with...

Hi-Rez Expo 2018: Paladins introduces battle royale mode, new champion Moji, and battle cat mounts

Big brother SMITE isn't getting all the attention at this year's Hi-Rez Expo 2018 - Paladins is definitely seeing some love too. The team-based shooter got...
Tell me you DO something.

Take a peek at Elder Scrolls Online’s Dragon Bones DLC and outfit customization system, coming in February

Just before Christmas, ZeniMax teased a ton of new content coming for The Elder Scrolls Online in 2018, including three DLC and a full...