
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

I get the temptation, but you are not actually a captain.

Star Trek Online previews the Temporal Operative primary specialization

The Temporal Operative is the newest primary specialization for player characters in Star Trek Online. Or perhaps it's the oldest. Things get really wonky...

Trion unlocks Trove’s classes for try-before-you-buy trial play

If you've ever logged into Trove and thought, damn, I sure wish I could try the Candy Barbarian or Pirate Captain to make sure...
When two tribes go to war, um... everything is great? Forgot the last part.

Get a prize for completing Black Desert Online siege warfare tutorial

On June 15th, you can go to war in Black Desert Online. That means claiming territory, trying to defend that territory, being angry when...
What the what.

E3 2016: Warframe’s Lunaro is a high-tech quidditch bloodbath

A new mode is coming to Warframe this week, offering players the chance to unwind with a friendly game of Lunaro. Considering that Lunaro...
Who's dark now?

Elder Scrolls Online delays PS4 Dark Brotherhood DLC launch

You wake up in a cold sweat in the dead of night. "Honey," you say, "I just had the worst dream. I dreamt that...
Fight that soul.

Blade & Soul shows off the new Soul Fighter class

At long last, players of Blade & Soul will be able to properly fight souls with the new Soul Fighter class. It's a class...
Oh my.

E3 2016: The Division releases Underground DLC trailer

During the pre-E3 festivities today, Ubisoft released the trailer for The Division's next DLC: The Underground. The DLC arrives on PC and Xbox One...

E3 2016: ARK: Survival Evolved will soon let you play and mate as a prehistoric creature

Have you ever been playing ARK: Survival Evolved and wondered what it would be like to live a day in the life of some...
I want to go back (go back)

Star Trek Online shows off its 23rd century ship stats

When Star Trek Online launches Agents of Yesterday, players will be able to fly around in the ships of the line from the mid-23rd...
'Problem' is not a synonym for 'thing I personally don't like.'

Wisdom of Nym: An examination of Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.3

With patch 3.3 on the live servers, the next few months are going to be the best time to be playing Final Fantasy XIV...

Guild Wars 2 releases sound design video for latest raid wing

Did you hear something? Oh, it was just the sound of a Guild Wars 2 boss making death-rattle noises. Carry on. ArenaNet's just posted its third...

CCP announces Carrier Assault patch for EVE: Valkyrie VR shooter

CCP has today announced a free update for VR-centric EVE: Valkyrie, the star of which is a new game mode called Carrier Assault. "Until now...

The MOP Up: EverQuest gets hardcore (June 12, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

MapleStory kicks off summer content series June 22

MapleStory is touting the impending arrival of the first chunk of its summer content update series, Heroes of Maples. Arriving on June 22nd, the first...

Tree of Savior will reopen for new players after dealing with bots and exploits

If you're waiting for Tree of Savior to return from limbo, your only question, we suspect, is when? IMCGames removed the game from purchase on...

Aion returns to the Tower of Eternity in July

Some of the most momentous occasions in MMORPGs aren't when players are invited to explore strange, new zones, but when the community comes back...

SkySaga brings in realm dungeons and beefs up guilds

Last month's SkySaga Alpha 8 patch is getting a helping hand this week with a small but important update that adds new options for adventuring...

Here’s how Guild Wars 2 blends creature and environment art to build a raid boss

ArenaNet has a fresh Guild Wars 2 video out today as part of its raid design series, this one focused on the art design...

Paragon plans major gameplay overhaul, August 16 open beta

Epic has announced that "free open beta" for its gritty MOBA Paragon will begin on August 16th. Two letters to the community today suggest that...

WoW dev vows ‘richer patch content lineup for Legion’

More news is emerging from the Blizzard summit in Irvine this week. Kotaku's World of Warcraft interview touches on a number of topics, including...