
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Stream Team: Peeking into Path of Exile: Ascendancy’s new labyrinth

Are you excited for this week's launch of Path of Exile’s Ascendancy expansion? MassivelyOP's MJ is! Luckily for her, she won't have to wait...
Open for everyone, just like forever.

Asta opens up client download for its open beta on March 2nd

Boy, it seems like only yesterday that March wasn't yet a month to be worried about, doesn't it? Probably because yesterday it was still...

TERA’s Dawnfall patch is live today with fresh endgame content

TERA's Dawnfall patch arrives today, bringing new content for endgamers. The Forsaken Island dungeon is getting a difficulty upgrade, and the Dreadspire returns to...

Mantle of Power expansion to take Trove to weird and wonderful places

Think you've seen everything that Trove has to offer? No matter how experienced a cubic adventurer you are, you've got another thing or two...

RIFT starts the countdown to its fifth anniversary patch

Things are about to get crazy fun up in RIFT. The game is looking forward to celebrating its fifth birthday soon, an occasion that will...

EVE Online compensates players with 200k skill points for server move downtime

EVE Online Executive Producer Andie "CCP Seagull" Nordgren has addressed EVE players in a new video posted to the official site. Nordgren apologizes for...

Neverwinter promises June campaign, Icewind Dale stories

Cryptic Studios has just released a positively massive state-of-the-game letter for MMORPG Neverwinter. Executive Producer Rob Overmeyer begins by recapping 2015, noting that last...
Oh, so gross.

Allods devs detail New Order’s new reforging system

Allods Online's upcoming New Order update is pretty hefty, and the latest dev blog sets out to explain the new reforging system. First, there's...
You are dead. Did you even read?

Survarium deploys patch 0.40 to its live servers with UI changes and weapon modules

Sure, you're in the middle of a pitched battle for survival with whatever you can find in Survarium, but that doesn't mean that you...

Shroud of the Avatar brings in fast travel and new player towns

More and more these days Shroud of the Avatar is looking like a whole game. It probably helps that the game seems to update...

Perfect World’s Arc platform now offers its own daily quests

Perfect World's Arc platform is getting a big facelift, which is good news for anyone confused by the old layout and navigation, but the...

Elder Scrolls Online DLC adds loot NPC, reinstates RvR forward camps

ZeniMax has a few last bits of PvP info to push out before The Elder Scrolls Online's Thieves Guild DLC goes live in March. Of...
Ice cold.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.2 is a return to form

I've expressed my misgivings about Final Fantasy XIV's first major post-expansion patch before. It wasn't terrible, but it didn't really hook me in like...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online explains gearing changes for the New Order update

The New Order hitting Allods Online is going to be changing how players acquire gear in a big way, and it's going to be...

Elite Dangerous contemplates allowing players to name star systems

It's one thing to make a great cosmic discovery that puts you in the history books. But wouldn't you like to name that star,...

Path of Exile reveals the Ascendant class, new items and skills

Path of Exile's Ascendancy expansion is set to be released next week on March 4th, adding the huge new Labyrinth endgame dungeon and a whole slew of new unique...

Outcast Odyssey takes your CCG on a tour of a fantasy world

It's digital card game day here at Massively Overpowered (what, no one prepared you?), and we've got another online title to highlight for your...
So... you guys wanna party?

Neverwinter talks Never Castle’s big baddy

Who's afraid of the big bad demon? In Neverwinter's latest dev blog, Senior Content Designer John Hopler described the big baddy of Never Castle...

Guild Wars 2’s next raid wing opens March 8th

During its weekly Twitch stream, ArenaNet announced that Guild Wars 2's next raid wing will open on March 8th. "The second wing of our...

SkySaga’s alpha 7 arrives today with competitive building and selfies

Voxelbox SkySaga has just entered its seventh round of alpha, dubbed the "Settler" update. Of note, the game has been patched with a new...