A sale of company shares may have brought survival MMO Edengrad back to life

Cast your mind back to April of 2017, when a new survival MMO hit early access after it completed a successful Kickstarter campaign. That MMO was Edengrad, which started out like most titles of its ilk until developer Huckleberry Games suddenly stopped actively working on it in December of that year. The game's servers continued to run, but...
You really shouldn't have.

SuperData June 2019: WoW’s back in the top 10 as Overwatch players have spent $1B on in-game content

There's good news for MMOs in the June SuperData video games global revenue charts, most notably the fact that a "real" MMORPG has finally returned to the top 10. We're talking about World of Warcraft - flagged "West" and therefore inexplicably not counting Eastern revenue - which landed at number seven on the PC revenue chart after a stint away....
Rise of the TREE more like.

Pantheon’s July newsletter covers big trees, movement, and spell FX

You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about the work that goes into making big trees in your favorite MMO. It's enough to see a big tree, think that it's a big tree, and move on. But the developers of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen put a lot of work into the huge trees of Faerthale, and...

The Stream Team: The leet Fleet datacron week in SWTOR

Massively OP's Larry and MJ may not have succeeded in obtaining all seven SWTOR datacrons on Taris last week, but surely they can manage to get just one this week right? The one they are going after happens to be on the Fleet. This will be a group effort (and Larry assures us that it will be an effort!),...

UK’s Gambling Commission considers prosecuting video game companies that facilitate gambling

It sounds as if the UK is preparing for a bit of a crackdown on video game gambling of the third-party kind. According to a piece in The Guardian this week, the UK's Gambling Commission believes it's unable to prosecute gamblebox/lockbox/lootbox games themselves right now, at least until UK law is changed to explicitly recognize those forms of gambling...

Guild Wars 2 announces legendary upgrades and a community event to unlock ’em

ArenaNet appears to be taking its collaborative community event mechanics to the next level in Guild Wars 2, only this time, instead of boss-rushing for tiers and loot, you'll be feeding the Mystic Toilet en masse to unlock, well, a sort of minipatch for loot upgrades. Specifically, GW2 is introducing legendary runes and sigils for gear. "Once socketed, a legendary...

Here’s how Legends of Aria’s new PvP ruleset changes will work when it hits Steam early access

Following Citadel Studios' announcement yesterday that it'll be launching Legends of Aria's Steam early access on August 6th, alongside a big patch that takes some of the edge of the game's hardcore PvP ganking situation, we released our interview with Citadel's Derek Brinkmann, who told us in detail just how the the game's PvP was changing. But for those...

Perfect Ten: Great MMOs that will run just fine on your old computer

The other day a friend was telling me that he used to play EverQuest Online Adventures very regularly back in the day, but fell away from MMORPGs following that. "I'd like to get back into them," he said, "but I don't have a gaming computer. That's too bad." That doesn't matter, I replied. I went on to inform him that...

Blade & Soul’s Roots of Malice brings two raid dungeons and an event dungeon today

It's patch day today for Blade & Soul, and it's once more got another infusion of high-level content for players to take on. The Scarlet Conservatory continues to face a dangerous threat, and a new event dungeon featuring Hae Mujin are the highlighted features of the new Roots of Malice update. The Scarlet Conservatory consists of two areas: the Titan...

Tamriel Infinium: What comes after champion points in The Elder Scrolls Online?

During the Elsweyr release announcement stream for the Elder Scrolls Online earlier this summer, ZeniMax made an announcement that was somewhat buried within the sparkle and glitz of the new chapter: For the first time since their inclusion into the game, champion points would not be increased with a major update. Champion points are the post-level cap means of...