Dwell is a top-down 2D sandbox MMO and it’s adorable
Let's dash your hopes a little bit right now: You cannot actually purchase Dwell at the moment. It has been voted on to Steam's...
Hate cheaters? ArcheAge has a present for you
So here's a creative way to engender some goodwill in a game notorious for its rampant cheating: Instead of just punishing miscreants, ArcheAge will...
Conan Exiles offers sneak peek at its environment and buildings
Those looking for clues as to what Conan Exiles will look like when the survival title releases should keep tabs on the game's Facebook...
Guild Wars 2’s Mike O’Brien promises improvements for WvW play
If you haven't done any raiding in Guild Wars 2, you also haven't seen any of the story involved in the game's raiding scene....
Age of Sail MMO Caribbean Conquest hits Kickstarter
Pirates, tall ships, the Age of Sail -- wait, haven't we seen this before? Perhaps so, but Invenio Interactive thinks it can do this...
WildStar performs three-hour rollback due to technical glitch
Yesterday wasn't one of WildStar's better days of operation, as a technical glitch started causing players to lose characters, items, and saved wardrobe outfits....
The Daily Grind: Would you play an Indiana Jones MMORPG?
Disney confirmed yesterday that the Indiana Jones franchise is getting a new entry. Starring Harrison Ford and directed by Steven Spielberg, Indy 5 is...
Warcraft III gets its first patch in four years, with more to follow
It looks like it's not just cult classic Diablo II that's getting a lick of fresh paint this week, as Blizzard has now released a compatibility patch...
Allods Online elaborates on new class aspects, weapon mechanics
You might recall that Allods Online has big changes in the works for its classes with the coming Update 7.0. If you don't remember...
Ubisoft’s Werewolves Within is an online multiplayer VR ‘social deduction’ game
Ubisoft's newest game isn't exactly an MMORPG, but it is a VR multiplayer online title that revolves around what the company is calling "social...