WIR September 20 2015 (Posts)

    Host your own sandbox with Wurm Unlimited on Steam - Code Club has just announced a new phase in development for fantasy sandbox Wurm Online: Wurm Unlimited. Arriving on Steam on October 21st, Wurm Unlimited "allows you to play in the Wurm world locally on your PC and…
    ArcheAge adds $250 item pack to its store - Sometimes everything comes down to timing. Take ArcheAge's latest store pack, for example. In and of itself it's just a $250 pack, which is hardly new, and the game's one-year anniversary in North America just came…
    World of Warships leaves drydock for live waters - The majestic aircraft carriers and battleships of World of Warships are sailing into battle today as the game transitions from beta to live. "Captains, thank you for all your feedback during the alpha and beta," Wargaming…
    Elder Scrolls Online is coming to Japan in 2016 - Can Elder Scrolls Online take root in an eastern country such as Japan? That's what we're going to find out, as ESO will be launching a Japanese server in spring 2016. The news came out of the…
    MMO Burnout: Star Wars Uprising - When I heard that Disney's first foray into the new Star Wars gaming universe was a mobile-only RPG, it made me sort of angry. Not Vader-force-choking-his-wife angry, but angry enough to indulge in a brief dark…
    Is WildStar’s cash shop pay-to-win? - Is WildStar going to be pay-to-win when the free-to-play patch hits on September 29th? That's the topic du jour of a video that looks at the setup of WildStar's upcoming cash shop and business model. YouTuber…
    Champions Online begins Supervillain Onslaught - Cryptic has been talking up Champions Online's new Supervillain Onslaught mode over the past month, and now it is finally here! Players can temporarily step into the shoes (or boots or claws) of a mighty supervillain…
    Black Desert’s Ninja gets a new trailer - Earlier this week we heard about Black Desert's new Ninja class. Today, developer Pearl Abyss and publisher Daum have released a new trailer for the fantasy sandbox's 12th playable class. The clip itself is pretty short,…
    Crowfall scales up its pre-alpha testing - ArtCraft announced that it is working on scaling up Crowfall's pre-alpha testing to accommodate more players than before. The studio said that it has already made progress in this regard, allowing for a few hundred players to be on…
    Destiny: The Taken King breaks PlayStation records - If you had any doubt that Destiny is a huge force in the online world right now, Activision's announcement that the game is smashing PlayStation records might rid you of such notions. The company said that…
    WildStar will make crafting less complicated - Carbine has great news for players who feel a little too frazzled and overwhelmed with WildStar's circuit board crafting system: Making stuff will be less frustrating when this month's huge free-to-play patch hits. "Our goal with tradeskills…
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