Home MMORPG WIR May 29 2016 (Posts)

    WIR May 29 2016 (Posts)

    Landmark announces a June 10th launch date - It's a little later in the "spring" than expected, depending on how strictly you adhere to the season or the solstice, but it's finally happening: Landmark is launching on June…
    Trinium Wars has gone free-to-play today - Trinium Wars has officially gone free-to-play today "due to many requests," says InselGames CEO Patrick Streppel. "We have thought long and hard about this major change and while we always…
    Darkfall has gone… dark - Darkfall -- the official version, not its up-and-coming player-run spinoffs -- has gone offline indefinitely, according to a new post on the official forums. Dear friends, We have been involved with…
    Funcom secures major private investments - If you're a fan of Funcom with a deep amount of concern for the company's long-term health, there's good news to be had today. The company has simultaneously undergone a…
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