shot online - search results

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One Shots: By the power of armpits!

When you lost your way to Castle Greyskull and can't find your magic transforming sword, all you can rely on is your sheer innate...
New Year's EVE

EVE Online shares a video retrospective of its year with the community

Late December is the time when we all start thinking about the year that was, usually how much of a pile of garbage it...

One Shots: The best player-submitted MMO screenshots of 2022

For our very last One Shots column of 2022, we're going to take a break from the routine to hand out awards to our...

Fractured Online returns to closed development over ‘platform troubles’

Over the course of this week, we've been covering the ongoing Gamigo clownshow: The company suffered layoffs it didn't disclose, which took out the...

One Shots: Watching the firelog show

What did people and hobbits used to do before you could stream a fireplace on your television? Apparently, they hacked up tree corpses, dragged...

Elder Scrolls Online nixes year-long story arcs for 2023 roadmap – here’s what to expect

If you thought the Elder Scrolls Online's 12-month-long storyline arcs were getting a little bit stale after the last several years, well, ZeniMax Online...

One Shots: Make yourself at home!

You all know that we here at the One Shots Studyological Laboratories are partial to pictures of player housing. This goes doubly for any...
Not pictured: Critters.

Fractured Online awakens the guardians of nature with its latest update adding Primal Forms

For too long - meaning "since the early access stage of Fractured Online began" in this case - Wildfolk have had to deal with...

One Shots: Impossible landscapes would like to have a word with you

While the seemingly impossible landscapes of MMORPG worlds make for great visuals -- such as in our headlining pic -- I can't help but...
Hanging around.

EVE Online details the changes for hangars in the most recent update

What kind of video game about cool spaceships doesn't have cool hangar shots? One held together with spit and baling wire, which does describe...

One Shots: I just got catfished

Catfishing used to be a delectable activity. Then the internet came along, and it turned into something dark and sinister. So let's applaud Final...

One Shots: Officially up to no good

Hey, I hope everyone had a good week of recovery from all of those MMO Halloween festivities because One Shots is back -- and...

One Shots: Hamming it up for Halloween

It's that time of year again! That's right, it's National Cat Day (October 29th)! So find the nearest cat, bow deeply to it, and...

One Shots: Let us tell you a fairy tale…

Just the other day I was musing about how EverQuest II feels like a forgotten MMO -- and I guess I was heard because...

Lord of the Rings Online’s Before the Shadow begins public testing – with a few surprise features

Testing is now underway for Lord of the Rings Online's major fall release, as Standing Stone Games announced that it's put Update 34: Before...

Star Trek Online’s Enterprise-F confirmed as canon in Star Trek: Picard trailer

The latest Star Trek: Picard Season 3 trailer had a whopping surprise for both fans of the franchise and players of the MMORPG. Amid...

One Shots: Hey Hobbit, what’s ursine?

Lord of the Rings Online's recent loosening of class/race restrictions is either the greatest or the worst thing that's happened to the game, depending...

Star Wars: The Old Republic brings its shiny new forums online

No longer will Star Wars: The Old Republic's forums be considered a "heap of junk" or a "scruffy-looking nerfherder." BioWare proudly announced that it...

Stick and Rudder: Venturing into EVE Online’s nullsec

EVE Online is a game that offers many experiences, from NPC faction warfare to harvesting, refining, and building to market speculation. But the one...
Retail value seems limited.

PSA: Lord of the Rings Online is once again handing out free permanent quest packs until October 31

The wheel of the year turns. Seasons change. The weather grows colder. And Lord of the Rings Online hands out bundles of free quest...