shot online - search results

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Not So Massively: Wolcen’s Endgame is one of online gaming’s all-time worst blunders

Speaking as a long-time fan of the game, I think the post-launch management of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem has been an absolute mess. There...

One Shots: Finding Mister Easter bunny

Legend goes that if you listen carefully for the thump-thump-thump of its padded feet... if you look for the bright splashes of color hidden...

One Shots: Stop clowning around

Sometimes the music compels you. Sometimes people won't stop throwing peanuts at you until you do a jig for them. And sometimes you get...

One Shots: Apparent trap

Against all odds, Scott found a doppelganger inside a fantasy world. And if movies have taught me anything, what follows will either be a...

Lord of the Rings Online wraps up another leg of update 35 testing with revamp of The Last Homely House

Even as the spring festival begins today, Lord of the Rings Online's devs are back on Bullroarer testing update 35: The Return to Carn...

The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming from a California class starship in Star Trek Online

MJ and Chris are back once again riding shotgun in an internet spaceship! That's right, this episode of Backseat Streaming is hopping aboard the...
Actually developing a title to not be a boring slog is a skill some developers have yet to master.

Perfect Ten: 10 franchises that deserve another shot at an MMO

Some experiments are attempted once and fail, and it's not hard to figure out why that didn't work. We don't really need to take...

One Shots: That moment when you missed your cruise ship’s departure

The day had started so promisingly. You had docked in a tropical port full of free-flowing wine, endless parties, numerous souvenir shops, and nary...

One Shots: Flash, flash, hundred-yard dash

Rumor is, if you can run fast enough, you can accomplish just about anything. Go back in time? Sure. Quick dry jeans? Definitely. Continually...

EverQuest Online Adventures fans toast the console MMO’s 20th anniversary

EverQuest Online Adventures might well be one of the oddest spin-offs from the rather expansive EverQuest franchise. And while this late, great PlayStation 2...

One Shots: Once upon a tavern…

Stop me if you've heard this before: A group of hardy adventurers arrives in a charming yet rough-hewn tavern to map out their future...

SWG Legends rogue server is finally back online after four-day outage

Over the weekend, Star Wars Galaxies players on the SWG Legends rogue server were left temporarily homeless as the core server suffered a major...

One Shots: Exterior design by nature

We've all witnessed plenty of examples of intriguing fantasy architecture and urban design in MMOs. But one style of design that I think is...

WWII Online posts 2023 roadmap, boosted by ongoing graphical and engine upgrades

World War II Online is still alive and barreling toward its 22nd birthday, I'm happy to report, and it's joining the many MMORPGs that...

One Shots: Five easy steps to dragon enslavement

Step one: Find a dragon that's been shunned from the rest of its pack. Step two: Befriend the dragon with copious amounts of ripple-striped...

Elder Scrolls Online reveals Shadow Over Morrowind, the Necrom chapter, and the Arcanist class

Latest updates are at the bottom of the article! ZeniMax Online Studios is just about to begin its big reveal showcase stream for Elder...

Ultima Online’s New Legacy should finally hit alpha by summer

The delay of Ultima Online's New Legacy last fall was unfortunately not a huge surprise, though it was a disappointment as it didn't make...

Albion Online launches an Asian server on March 20 with multiple founder packs

Albion Online, recipient of our own Best PvP MMO award two years running, is expanding its horizons eastward with an Asian server launching on...
Not like this.

Vague Patch Notes: Fractured Online deserved better, even if you think it looked bad

When it comes to upcoming MMOs, there's always a sense of uncertainty in terms of what the final product is going to look like....

One Shots: Looking forward to a rainy day

Is there anything as agonizingly tantalizing as receiving a gift that's for a very specific situation? You can't wait to use it, but it...