2022 eoty community

The Daily Grind: What MMOs are you no longer anticipating?

There are several MMOs I'm no longer anticipating or even expecting to launch at this point, but let me pick one of the former...

The Daily Grind: What might be the next MMO to undergo a big business model shift?

In years past, we used to run a Daily Grind asking which MMO would be the next to go free-to-play, but at this point,...

The Daily Grind: Who told the biggest gaming fib of 2022?

Last year, Bobby Kotick's many fibs eclipsed everything else. This year, I have a couple of fibs in mind, foremost among them Unity CEO...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most expensive MMO to play at the start of 2023?

Last year, I had a hard time with this annual Daily Grind, and that's because "expensive" depends entirely on what you have to buy...

Leaderboard: What was the best *new* MMO of 2022?

The downside of making both old and new games be eligible for MMO of the Year is that it can be pretty hard for...

Leaderboard: What was the most overrated MMO of 2022?

A funny and incredibly predictable thing happens in the comments of our Most Underrated award every year: Somebody, usually several somebodies, informs us that...

Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2023?

Picture this: It's 2015. Sony just sold off SOE, and it reformed as Daybreak and began purging games, hard - around 20 to date,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO was the biggest contributor to killing the genre in 2022?

This provocative Daily Grind has been in our annual top-of-the-year rotation since 2016, and I'm gonna keep it that way because I think it...
This turned out super great here, guys.

The Daily Grind: Will you Kickstart any MMOs in 2023?

Listen, this Daily Grind has exactly one right answer, and that answer is "no." I will also accept "hell no." All right, I'm kidding... a...
Reap? Always.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you expect to be your main game in 2023?

Here we are, 2023! It's a lot like 2022 so far, except you have to put the wrong date on everything for a few...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the brightest future in 2023?

Howsabout a little positivity for the last weekday of the year? That's right, we've brought back 'round the "brightest future" topic, and I think...
Boredom ensues.

The Daily Grind: What’s the biggest MMO thing you want to remember from 2022?

Every year I go through the same cycle wherein I forget that eggnog doesn't sit well with me any more, so I buy eggnog...
Not the problem.

The Daily Grind: Do you have any MMO gaming regrets from 2022?

Farewell 2022! As always, it's been a long, strange, and unpredictable journey from January 1st to December 31st, with so many fascinating MMORPG developments...

The Daily Grind: What was the most painful MMO sunset of 2022?

So I have good news and bad news about this Daily Grind. The bad news is that we had a lot of sunsets this...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best player community as of 2022?

Here's the thing about MMO community: There exists no perfect one. Every single one of them has bad elements. Some of them are out...

One Shots: The best player-submitted MMO screenshots of 2022

For our very last One Shots column of 2022, we're going to take a break from the routine to hand out awards to our...
The cat, if she exists, will have to fend for herself.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best PvE experience in 2022?

Last year, we brought back our best MMO PvP award, but we didn't create one for PvE, largely because it's PvE MMOs taking home...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best graphics as of 2022?

Last year, I singled out Guild Wars 2's End of Dragons - then already on our horizon - as being worthy of the "best...
Nothing to give.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best crafting in 2022?

"Best crafting" has always been a hard pick for me as it's one of my core content magnets in an MMO, which tends to...

The Daily Grind: How many MMOs did you actively play in 2022?

Now that we're really counting down the clock on 2022, it's time for some well-deserved reflection. I always like to look back over the...