elder scrolls online

See: The Elder Scrolls Online

One Shots: Posing is half the battle

It's not just enough to tote around a legendary weapon in your MMO -- you're going to need to learn that posing is half...

The Daily Grind: Should gamers be entitled to jump MMO queues if they sub?

The launch of Elder Scrolls Online's Greymoor this week was a bit of a bungle, though not one we've never seen before. Launching MMOs...

Massively Overthinking: Are MMO developers stuck in the past?

Earlier this month - so what feels like at least a few years ago - the MMO community amused itself jousting over comments from...

Elder Scrolls Online tackles Greymoor bugs, plans Stadia launch June 16

Since the Greymoor expansion of The Elder Scrolls Online has had a particularly bumpy launch, players have started the necessary evil of working around...

Fallout 76 interview: Bethsoft on One Wasteland, text chat, and other radioactive topics

After a year and a half of regrettable design and business decisions (not to mention unending castigation in the media and among the community),...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor, Phantasy Star Online 2 PC struggle during launch week

If you thought Guild Wars 2's No Quarter was going to be the release champion of this big-launch MMO week, you deserve a whole...

The Stream Team: Adventures in Skyrim with Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor

Massively OP's MJ saved the Skald-King in Elder Scrolls Online, but there's another king that needs her help in Skyrim. And with the launch...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 273: ArcheAge Unraveled

Justin and Bree discuss ArcheAge Unchained, PSO2 PC, Elder Scrolls Online's Greymoor, Guild Wars 2's No Quarter, EverQuest, Daybreak, Sea of Thieves, and EVE Echoes, with adventures in SWG Legends, LOTRO, ESO, and Fallout 76, plus mailbag topics on rogue server security and digital rights.

Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor chapter sends players back to Skyrim today

The Dark Heart of Skyrim is reaching is zenith today with the launch of Greymoor in Elder Scrolls Online. Originally announced in January, the...

Battle Bards Episode 169: Wild Things

Do you ever walk on the wild side in MMOs? Do you have a penchant for beastly races that aren’t merely reskinned humans? Then...

Tamriel Infinium: Getting ready for Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor chapter

Are you ready for Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor chapter release next week? I mean, are you really ready? Here at Massively OP, we’ve got...

The Elder Scrolls Online previews its 12-player Kyne’s Aegis trial

The Elder Scrolls Online's Greymoor will be offering up plenty of things for players to do as we've been covering over the past several...

The MOP Up: Bossa Studios releases World War AI

Bossa Studios, the team behind the late Worlds Adrift, just rolled out a new prototype game for you to check out for free: World...

One Shots: This is my rifle, this is my gun

Let me tell you, the wilds of Fallout 76 aren't a place for nerf guns and slingshots. When you're facing down deathclaws and up-armored...

The Stream Team: Saving the Skald-King in Elder Scrolls Online

Massively OP's MJ couldn't get through all of Elder Scrolls Online's Greymoor prologue last time, so the group is back together tonight to tie...

LOTRO Legendarium: What I want from Amazon’s Lord of the Rings MMO

While my primary interest and focus in this column continues to be Lord of the Rings Online, I'm not so stubborn as to refuse...

Elder Scrolls Online outlines upcoming adjustments to the Vampirism skill line

We already know that the Greymoor chapter of The Elder Scrolls Online will be making some fundamental adjustments to the Vampirism and Werewolf skill...

Massively Overthinking: Do MMOs need ‘adult’ character customization?

A Random MMO Fan recently wrote to us with a fun topic, linking to an article about Cyberpunk 2077's ESRB rating, which is apparently...

Elder Scrolls Blades has just launched for the Nintendo Switch

Welp, I know where I'm probably spending some time this weekend: The Elder Scrolls Blades. MMO players will recall that the game initially launched...

PSA: But seriously, don’t buy vampirism cures in the Elder Scrolls Online cash shop

The Elder Scrolls Online Reddit community has been ablaze this week over a recent in-game promotion in the cash shop that appeared to encourage...