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TERA releases the Valkyrie class on console, opens the Demon’s Wheel dungeon

Not content to wait around to ferry the fallen to Valhalla, the Valkyrie has arrived in TERA's console version today. bringing players a new,...

The best Massively OP MMO community polls of 2018

Polls are a quantitative sort of magic that we don’t often get from our other articles - at least when they aren’t being brigaded...

One Shots: Bullet hell

If you ever find yourself staring down an impossible spray of projectiles and energy blasts flying every which way and you freeze like a...

DC Universe Online celebrates its eighth anniversary with Attack of the Anti-Monitor event

This month marks the eighth anniversary of Daybreak Games's free-to-play superhero MMO DC Universe Online, and that, of course, means that it's once again...

The Stream Team: Hunting santas in TERA

Usually beating up on santas is frowned upon. Take our word for it. In the case of TERA, however, it's not just acceptable but...

The Stream Team: Sending 2018 off with a Seasons Greedings bang in DC Universe Online

Villainy does not take a break for the holidays! Oh no, dastardly deeds continue unabated -- or even increase! Massively OP's MJ won't stand...

Daybreak found another 6000 $300 lifetime subs to sell, somehow

A week before Christmas, Daybreak announced that it was selling a $300 lifetime sub for its current stable of MMORPGs: a new version of...

Jukebox Heroes: More MMO Christmas tunes

Merry Christmas everyone! As you hunker down for family time, presents, eggnog, or simply a quiet day off and some gaming time, chances are...
This was once controversial!

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v2.0

While The Game Archaeologist columns take up the most time of any project I do here at Massively OP, I absolutely love doing them...

Battle Bards Episode 134: Halloween and Christmas

It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas! And, er, Halloween! Well, the Battle Bards were never much for subtlety, so you must excuse...

EverQuesting: Why I’m hesitant to jump on Daybreak’s lifetime membership deal bandwagon

Well there's something I wasn't expecting, and I admit it: I am not really sure what to think about it. Daybreak just jumped on...
But we're evil.

Daybreak’s $300 all-in-one package is halfway sold out

It looks like Daybreak has hit upon a winning formula to make a quick buck: sell everything at a high price and make it...

Daybreak’s offering a $300 lifetime sub for its stable of MMOs, and it’ll probably sell out

You had to figure Daybreak was gearing up for some sort of big sub thing, what with SSG doing it for LOTRO and DDO...

One Shots: Adventures beyond worlds

"Hey," said Rafael. "Who said there isn’t any exploring on Blade and Soul, huh? Look at this secret place in Solak. Just found it...

The MOP Up: Echo of Soul returns

Korean MMO Echo of Soul is now back on Steam early access after the title was shut down back around 2015 and 2016. It's...

Midweek Mop Up: GTAO, Ubisoft, Path of Exile, Heroes & Generals, Foxhole, Vindictus, Crew 2, War of Rights, and more

It would not be unfair to say that this week has been one of the most news-heavy weeks of the year, to the point...

Fishing angles to bait TERA’s players in the BAF Masters update, now live

"The hottest leisure time activity since binge-watching has finally come to TERA!" No, it's not nitpicking grammar errors on Reddit or arguing in the YouTube comments...

The MOP Up: TERA’s Valkyrie goes to console while Vainglory comes to PC

No matter what platform you're on, there's good stuff coming your way! TERA's Valkyrie update is finally making the jump to Xbox One and...

Ask Mo: The hits and misses of Massively OP’s 2018 predictions

As we do every year, today we're going to peek back at the horrifying outcomes of last year's MOP staff predictions for the genre and the games within it to determine how well we did. After all, what would be the fun of making predictions if we couldn't giggle over our guesses a year later? So did we nail it or fail it? And did you fare better? Let's find out.
Well, this is a... something?

TERA’s BAF Masters update will introduce new fishing system and overhaul gathering and crafting

TERA players are no strangers to Big-Ass Monsters, but its next update will have them squaring off against a whole new breed of oversized...