
Seattle-based studio responsible for Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.

The Daily Grind: What’s the biggest scandal the MMORPG genre has ever seen?

Over the weekend in the Guild Wars 2 spyware article comments, a commenter remarked that Blizzard's Warden spyware was "the biggest scandal in MMOs"...

The Game Archaeologist: Lineage

If we judged MMOs by their numbers alone -- and I'm not suggesting we do so -- then the original Lineage would be the...
I'm here to talk with you about patch cadence.

Guild Wars 2 used client-side spyware to aid its latest purge of potential cheaters

ArenaNet's just gone on a purge of potential cheaters in Guild Wars 2. "Yesterday we suspended 1,583 accounts for a period of 6 months," Gaile...
This is the griffon.

PAX East 2018: An interview with the big griffon statue

Everyone knows that the various people portraying characters at PAX East are just there to portray a character. That's not who they really are....
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: Why trend-chasing doesn’t work at all for online games

Video games have always been a remarkably insular field; that's the nature of development. Someone produces Super Mario Bros, and a few years later...

Guild Wars 2 has completely overhauled gathering tools with glyph upgrades and wardrobe implementation

A couple of weeks ago, a nasty patch bug borked up harvesting tools in Guild Wars 2. Hardest hit were the endless-use versions that...
I can show you the world.

PAX East 2018: Guild Wars 2 game director Mike Zadorojny on Path of Fire, monetization, and more

It's not every day that you walk into a building dominated by an enormous griffon, the enormous statue replicating the mount in Guild Wars...

The Daily Grind: Do you get grumpy over MMO events on repeat?

I'm a huge fan of Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box, even if I am not the best jumper in the world. My kid...

The MOP Up: Paladins’ newest hero will punch your head off (April 8, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Jukebox Heroes: Five great YouTube channels for MMO music

As a collector and reviewer of MMORPG soundtracks, I owe a great debt to fellow music lovers who take the time to somehow extract...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with muscle memory when playing multiple MMORPGs?

I've been playing two games that focus a lot on jumping lately: Trove and Guild Wars 2, specifically Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 164: Shroud of the Heroes

Justin and Bree discuss April Fools' Day across the MMO world, RIFT, DDO, Trove, Guild Wars 2, WoW, Sea of Thieves, Shroud of the Avatar, SWTOR, and FFXIV, with mailbag questions on MMO tourist modes and character customization.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offers the best ‘spiral’ gameplay?

Last week, in his Ready Player One piece from GDC, MOP's Andrew paraphrased something from Darewise's Randy Smith that stuck out to me. "hemepark development...

Black Desert players overload servers in mass protest over ongoing connection problems

Back in March, Kakao issued a round of compensation for Black Desert players in North America affected by service interruptions in what the company...

Global Chat: RIFT Prime numbers

RIFT's new Prime progression server certainly has recaptured or recruited many MMO bloggers to the game as of late, and it is all anyone...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO NPC do you love to mock?

Hell hath no sarcasm like MMO gamers who find a particular NPC to be a little too annoying, repetitive, or otherwise goofy. Then the...

The Stream Team: Jumping into Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box for the first time

Massively OP's MJ has never experienced Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box. Oh she's heard plenty about it over the years, she has just...

Massively Overthinking: How much money spent makes you an MMO whale?

Several conversations I saw after our report on the new RMT mounts in Guild Wars 2 got me thinking about how the MMO community...

The Super Adventure Box Festival (and chairs) has taken over Guild Wars 2

Were you under the impression that Guild Wars 2 was only heralding the return of the wonderful, magnificent Super Adventure Box? Nay, my friends,...

Guild Wars 2 honors dearly departed MMO blogger Zach ‘Ravious’ Best with in-game quest

Last October, we were devastated to report that MMO blogger Zach "Ravious" Best had passed away at the young age of 36, taken by...