ashes of creation

Official Site: Ashes of Creation
Studio: Intrepid Studios
Launch Date: N/A
Business Model: N/A
Platform: PC

Ashes of Creation showcases alpha two’s updates to UI, animation, and tank skills

Are you ready for 45 minutes' worth of fresh alpha footage from Ashes of Creation? Because that's just what the devs at Intrepid Studios...
This is fine.

End-of-Year Eleven: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2023

Years ago, I did the first version of this yearly column in a one-off format in the middle of the year just because I...

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for MMOs in 2023

As 2022 drew to a close, we spent our Massively Overthinking roundtables discussing our predictions for 2023 as well as our goals. Now, we're...

End-of-Year Eleven: The top MMOs to watch in 2023

You know how some people like to push this narrative that "MMOs are dying?" If that were actually true, then my job to round...
Travels of booking

Betawatch: Book of Travels disambiguates content and features

Have you tried to find the difference between content and features in Book of Travels? According to a new dispatch from the team on...

Fight or Kite: The many ways today’s MMOs are failing PvPers

Last week, the MassivelyOP writing crew released its award for the best PvP MMO of the year - yet I couldn’t bring myself to...

Ashes of Creation wraps up a ‘crazy year of growth’ with a bigger team and new offices

Capping off what it deemed a "crazy year of growth," Ashes of Creation's dev team wrapped up 2022 with a reflective video hosted in...

Ashes of Creation previews alpha two’s cleric and day/night cycle in new video

Whether you draw your power from the heavens or like to look up at them as they loom overhead in the sky, the latest...

Ashes of Creation condenses the antics from its 24-hour Extra Life charity livestream in a video

Earlier this month, the developers of Ashes of Creation took 24 hours out of their day to come together and host a charity livestream...

Vague Patch Notes: Alas, poor Crowfall, you’re gone now

Dusty dusty, ashy ashy, Crowfall's plane went crashy crashy. Yes, we are now talking about Crowfall very strictly in the past tense. You could...

Betawatch: Ilysia pretties up its visuals as it advances in beta

How pretty do you want your Ilysia? The designers are hoping the answer is "quite pretty" as they work on prettying up the game...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 395: The grandma who stole Halloween

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's Dragonflight prepatch, New World's fresh start, Ashes of Creation, Secret World's community mess, and AQ3D's Elvira event, with adventures in WoW, SWG Legends, and City of Heroes.

Ashes of Creation allows players to harvest any tree, rock, or bush in the world

After testing through Ashes of Creation's first alpha and scouting out what other MMOs are up to, Intrepid Studios is making a few significant...

Ashes of Creation addresses healing, professions, leveling, and the path to Alpha 2

Ashes of Creation players had questions and creative director Steven Sharif had answers, as he offered up AMA responses in a new video in...

Ashes of Creation shares a video preview of alpha two’s updated ranged attacks

Galaxy brains know that taking out an enemy from a distance - ideally without being noticed first - is the way to go. For...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO Kickstarters that let us down

MOP's Chris penned a solid piece earlier this week about the fate that has apparently befallen Destiny's Sword, and as I was editing it,...
Effing OOPS

Perfect Ten: The MMO studios that keep whiffing on new projects

Everyone makes mistakes, and that's all right. That's not necessarily a big deal. Yes, this is true when it comes to MMO studios too....

Ashes of Creation shows off alpha two’s forest biome, new world map, and updates to nodes

Ashes of Creation already invited followers of the project to roam the desert; now the devs are bringing players through the forest. The latest...

Ashes of Creation shows off its remarkably diverse desert biome

Everyone knows that deserts are boring... or are they? Ashes of Creation would like to convince you that its barren regions aren't quite as...

The Daily Grind: Which upcoming MMORPG has the best chance of succeeding?

There are many MMOs of various designs working their way through the development process right now, but as we well know, not all of...