
Fine, whatever.

Surprise: WoW Classic is testing same-faction battlegrounds

Hearing the frustration of World of Warcraft Classic players unable to find timely battleground matches, Blizzard is doing the previously unthinkable: It's allowing the...
All together now.

Revelation Online shows off its 20v20 Iron Precipice Blitz map

The newest battlefield in Revelation Online is going to pit you against 20 other people! You'll have 19 allies yourself, of course, but with...
Dwarf fight begin.

The Elder Scrolls Online deep-dives Morrowind’s Ald Carac battleground

The launch of the Morrowind expansion will bring three separate battleground maps to The Elder Scrolls Online, and while all three feature the same...

Elder Scrolls Online: Deep-diving Morrowind’s PvP battlegrounds

At last week's Elder Scrolls Online press event, I sat down in the ESO Live studio to talk to the PvP designer in person:...

A sneak peek at Guild Wars 2’s Living World Season 3, Episode 1: Out of the Shadows

It's been nearly a month since the end of E3, but today, ArenaNet has finally given the go-ahead for press to talk about what we were...

The Stream Team: Exploring the swamps of Factions: Origins of Malu with devs

Early Access of Origins of Malu has begun, which means players can now get in and check out the battlegrounds while wandering through some...