bdo console
Black Desert brings Seoul to PC September 12, tweaks boats on console, adds treasure material exchange on mobile
This week has certainly been a busy one for games all over the place (spare a thought for Bree and send her tea and...
Black Desert readies new Dosa skills on PC, adds alpaca mounts on console, changes item acquisition on mobile
It's time for another week of updates to Black Desert, and this week we're going to begin with the console version's patch, primarily because...
Black Desert Console confirms Mountain of Eternal Winter’s August 7 arrival… in a cash shop video
Just because it will be August soon doesn't mean you can't experience winter, or at least that will be the case for Black Desert...
Black Desert brings Jordine Saga and major class balancing to console, adds guild history UI to mobile
While many Black Desert players might be engaged in the large scale War of the Roses PvP instance on PC, this week has also...
Black Desert revamps quests on PC, unites gathering tools on console, and increases rewards on mobile
That's right, Black Desert has once again got a bundle of new things for players across all of its platforms, and it looks as...
Black Desert refines ship gear enhancement for PC, tweaks monster zones on console, and adds a pirate island on mobile
We're once again in a new week for Black Desert, which means that all three versions of the MMORPG have gotten a little something...
Black Desert gives away a crafting hammer for easier item enhancement to PC and console players
Can there be an "I win" button for item enhancement? There is one now available for a limited time in the PC and console...
Black Desert celebrates 55M registered players and €2B revenue since 2014
It's not every day that we get hard numbers out of MMORPG studios, but Pearl Abyss has brought some big ones for Black Desert...
Black Desert makes class adjustments on PC, changes accessory upgrades on console, revamps mobile instances
Black Desert doesn't appear to be resting on its laurels despite the game celebrating 3,333 days of life, as every version of the MMORPG...
Black Desert celebrates anniversaries and Valentine’s Day on PC and console, applies minor updates on mobile
It's a season of celebration in the console and PC versions of Black Desert this week, as both MMORPGs are marking some specific anniversaries...
Black Desert improves Magnus travel on PC, combines elixirs on console, expands Kamasylvia on mobile
It's another update-rich week for every version of Black Desert as all three editions of the title have adjustments, improvements, tweaks, and other pseudonyms...
Black Desert tweaks the Scholar on PC and opens the Calpheon Elvia realm on console
Black Desert on PC has applied some class adjustments in this week's patch. That's probably not news considering this sort of thing happens in...
Black Desert teases work on a ‘next-gen build’ on console and readies succession skills for mobile
Much of the big news out of Black Desert's Calpheon Ball was about the PC version of the MMORPG - there's the launch of...
Black Desert Console receives three mythical horses and the Awakened Maegu in latest patch
Usually the middle of the week sees Black Desert absolutely bursting at the seams with news, but the PC version is quiet this time...
Black Desert opens a new hunting ground on PC, begins summer graduation on console, adds a new Great Desert area on mobile
As if this week weren't already packed with MMORPG things, allow Black Desert to throw on a whole bunch more, with every edition of...
Black Desert Console delays Maegu awakening and more to focus on game optimization
If you're a player of Black Desert Console hoping to park your character's keister on a mythical horse sometime soon, we've got some unfortunate...
Black Desert adds a doom horse on PC, hypes Land of the Morning Light on console, and opens a new labyrinth on mobile
Black Desert has once more blessed your week with news for every version of the sandbox MMORPG. Unless you don't consider news about this...
Black Desert Console closes the spring seasonal server and makes multiple class adjustments
We are well in to the summer months in meteorological terms, but the console edition of Black Desert has just closed the spring seasonal...