beta testing

That's a lot of people.

Beta testers actually used Overwatch’s commendation system for good

Still feeling bereft of Overwatch in this period between the beta and the launch? Can't help you there, but Blizzard has expounded on its...

Enter to win a Riders of Icarus founder’s pack from Nexon and Massively OP

In celebration of Riders of Icarus' closed beta and brand-new trailer, Nexon has granted Massively OP three legendary founder pack keys for Steam for our readers. The...

AdventureQuest 3D is the cross-platform MMORPG that might hook you

If you're anything like me, you've hopefully realized that there can be just as much anticipation in your life over small, interesting games as with...
fun fun fun

Albion Online on hardcore-vs.-casual player sandbox synergy

Just a day after launching its massive Darian patch, Albion Online has posted up a Q&A video and roadmap summary for its summer goals....

Players vote to change Elite Dangerous: Engineers progression

Are Elite Dangerous players happy with how Engineers' endgame progression is in the beta or do they want a change? According to a poll...

Paragon to host free beta weekend on May 26

Whenever the cry of "free beta!" goes out across the valley, you can be assured that you will get two types of people flocking...

Elder Scrolls Legends explains prophecy card mechanic

Can Bethesda crack open the Magic: The Gathering market with its own upcoming digital card game? Many game studios have tried, to varying degrees...
Lord of Vermilion Arena

Square-Enix sunsets Lord of Vermilion MOBA in June

We're sorry to report today that Square-Enix is sunsetting Lord of Vermilion Arena. We first covered the MOBA, which was based on the Lord...
How are you this way.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 65: Make yourself at home

Justin and Bree discuss Gigantic, NCsoft, WildStar, KingsIsle, Star Trek Online, Legion, and Crowfall, plus a mailbag question on media embargoes.

Guild Wars 2’s 64-bit client launches along with PvP Season 3

Guild Wars 2's 64-bit client is out of beta as of today, according to the patch notes released this morning. "The 32-bit client will...

Giveaway: HeroWarz closed beta keys

HeroWarz's closed beta kicks off this week -- on May 18th, to be exact. If you're in North America, Australia, or New Zealand, you...
It wasn't a drill.

PWE on the release and monetization of Gigantic

Last week's announcement that Perfect World Entertainment would sign on as a publisher for Gigantic was good news for fans of the MOBA, but it...

The MOP Up: Blizzard’s mobile prospects (May 15, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Camelot Unchained: CUBE updates and weapon concepts

Still on the edge of your seat waiting for the Camelot Unchained beta? Well sit back and get a comfy pillow for your butt...

Betawatch: Perfect World signs on to publish Gigantic (May 13, 2016)

Things had looked bleak for Gigantic. Setting the game up as being only on Windows 10 and Xbox One hadn't exactly bolstered its playerbase,...

Albion Online’s ‘Darian’ content update arrives next week

Albion Online has set a date for its next big content update: May 18th, just next week. As hinted in earlier developer vids, the "Darian"...

Elite Dangerous tunes up its Engineers beta

Elite Dangerous just updated its 2.1 beta with an absolute raft of changes and improvements. While there isn't any single tentpole addition to the...

First impressions: Overwatch offers nothing new (yet), but I’m buying it anyway

I'm going to be blunt: I don't feel like a Blizzard fan. I know that may sound odd from the guy who plays Hearthstone more than any other writer on...

Almost 10 million people logged into Overwatch’s beta

Overwatch has swallowed my guild. Ever since the Overwatch IV drop was shut off at the end of open beta earlier this week, my...

World of Warcraft begins Legion’s beta testing

Alpha? That's so early 2016, you guys. Starting today, World of Warcraft: Legion is all about its beta test, which will run until the...