
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Hearthstone previews Ashes of Outland, dispenses special drink cups in Hardee’s promo

The Ashes of Outland expansion is fast approaching Hearthstone and Blizzard is looking to drum up the hype with the help of a freshly...

COVID-19 roundup: #PlayApartTogether, Blade & Soul perks, and Twitch Aid’s $2.7M charity raise

Welcome back to another quick roundup of pandemic-related MMO and gaming news. We'll start with the big one: The World Health Organization, which made...

Not So Massively: StarCraft II has quietly become Blizzard’s best-managed property

While I do think the studio's actions at BlizzCon are encouraging, it still feels weird heaping praise on Blizzard right now. But I also...

The MOP Up: Naruto Slugfest steps up to bat

Naruto Slugfest, the mobile MMO based on the hit franchise, just activated a soft early access launch, with no wipe to follow. Players can...

Blizzard sends out a Burning Crusade Classic survey, says farewell to Diablo III’s community manager

It's time to throw a whole armful of kindling onto the smoldering fire that is rumors of a WoW Classic Burning Crusade server. Wowhead...

LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online’s Hytbold experiment

The landscape of any long-running MMORPG is bound to be littered with various developer experiments that were tried and later abandoned. Lord of the...
Herp to the derp.

WoW Factor: The World of Warcraft expansion tour – Legion

Ah, good. This one is more fun than last week. As much as the latter half of World of Warcraft expansions heads into more...
A dispatch from the days when I bothered.

World of Warcraft adds in Legacy Loot mode for Legion raids and dungeons

As the saying goes, it's better late than never. Adding in Legacy Loot for World of Warcraft's prior expansion (Legion) certainly feels late at...

Former Blizzard, Twitch, and Riot bosses pour money into Rally Cry esports

Following the exit of Mike Morhaime from Blizzard Entertainment last year - in a year when Blizzard found multiple ways to light itself on...
Never over.

Perfect Ten: The stages of the MMO life cycle

To this day, no one has a quote as useful on the subject of life and death as E. B. White: "We're born, we...
Thanks, I hate it.

SuperData February 2020: Fortnite returns to the top 10 as analysts predict COVID-19 impacts

SuperData is back with another monthly report on the state of the games industry's revenue, unbowed and unbent from its tussle with Epic Games...

The Daily Grind: What once-popular MMORPG terminology has fallen out of use?

Let's play with words. A while back I saw someone describing the act of MMO banksitting on Twitter without actually using the term. It's one...

Felicia Day releases an unifinished World of Warcraft machinima sitcom

Say you're stuck in self-imposed or locally mandated quarantine in the wake of the novel coronavirus and you've blitzed through all of your TV...

COVID-19 roundup: GameStop, unions call foul, Square-Enix, race cars, Blizzard, Skyforge, and Ultima Online housing

Welcome back to another quick roundup of news bits all about how COVID-19 has impacted even our MMO corner of the gaming world. Also...
The fanboy mines are harder to work all the time.

Valve’s Gabe Newell discusses the time he was a gold farmer in World of Warcraft (for research)

Apparently, Gabe Newell -- you know, the billionaire president of Valve who has enough money to, say, throw it into the bonfire of rejiggering...
Fine, whatever.

World of Warcraft shows even more flexibility with its essence system

We all know that getting Blizzard to be flexible is like slathering Bengay onto your arthritic grandparent and urging them to join you in...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been hit by an MMO banhammer?

When I wrote the above question, I had to sit back for a long minute to think over the two-plus decades of my MMO...

World of Warships offers free premium play, World of Warcraft doubles experience during the outbreak

If you're not used to being home a lot, you're probably a little twitchy right now and angling for something to do. Fear not:...

The Game Archaeologist: Shenmue Online

If you ever stumble across a Dreamcast enthusiast -- and believe me, they are everywhere -- on the forefront of their diatribe about how...
Do you really want to hurt me?

WoW Factor: The World of Warcraft expansion tour – Warlords of Draenor

Oh barf. Yes, folks, it... it had to happen. We had to get to this expansion. I know, none of us really want to. World of Warcraft...