
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

One Shots: A game of horror

If you're like me -- screenshot-mad and playing Battle for Azeroth -- then you've been filling up your World of Warcraft image folders like...

LOTRO Legendarium: The unique feel of Lord of the Rings Online

I am very much a creature who is affected deeply by my environment. I suspect all of us are to varying degrees, but I...

PAX West 2018: World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas shares his game development journey

World of Warcraft's head guru helped to kick off PAX West this weekend with an hour-long keynote address. Ion Hazzikostas entertained the crowd with his...
Strawberry fields forever.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the most adorable mascot?

While not every MMO has one, mascots are an interesting phenomenon that some developers promote and communities latch onto during their time with the...

World of Warcraft buffs Feral Druids and brings back the Trial of Style

It's another "bits and bobs" edition of World of Warcraft news, starting with this week's hotfixes. Players logging into the game now will encounter...
It's a tiny little sprout thing. It might kill you.

Vague Patch Notes: Casual no longer means anything in MMOs

Every time I see someone write something about casual players - including me because heavens know I've done it too - I feel a...

Star Citizen partially reverses CitizenCon streaming paywall decision after community erupts

Note: We've updated the end of this post with the latest developments since the article went live Friday morning. The Star Citizen subreddit has been...

Massively Overthinking: What’s your favorite MMORPG swag of all time?

In a conversation about the recent Starflight 3 Fig campaign - which you won't see covered here since it's not multiplayer, but let me...
Alive again!

PAX West 2018: Diablo III shows that it can be Nintendo Hard

With Diablo III coming to the Nintendo Switch and "multiple projects" for the franchise currently in development at Blizzard, this game might be making...

World of Warcraft explains what you have to do to get your Mag’har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves

With all of the possible goals vying for your attention in World of Warcraft's Battle for Azeroth, it might be that you've overlooked the...

ArenaNet partners with bubble tea vendor on a Guild Wars 2-themed drink, and there’s free stuff in it for you

Ah, crosspromotions. Remember teasing Bungie for its Destiny candles, poptarts, and energy drinks last year? Good times. Guild Wars 2 is getting in on...

Runes of Magic gets a new lease on life with Steam

Yes, it's still running. And yes, it's now on Steam. Runes of Magic used to thrive by its slavish copy of World of Warcraft's format...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: MMOs with the most needlessly obtuse stats

One of my favorite reviewers of tabletop RPGs at one point opined that percentile systems were one of the best tabletop mechanics possible, simply...
Somebody pull.

How World of Warcraft was made, from an insider’s perspective

World of Warcraft fans are buzzing about a new book that looks at the development of the game from one of the insiders who...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 184: Gamescom spectacular

Justin and Bree discuss Gamescom, anticipated MMOs, Ashes of Creation, New World, Maplestory 2, Torchlight Frontiers, Just Survive, and World of Warcraft, with mailbag entries on racing to the level cap and amazing visual moments in MMORPGs.

Blizzard is disabling Overwatch and HOTS lockbox purchases for Belgian players

Earlier this year, Belgium took up the anti-lootbox cause, becoming one of the first countries to investigate lockboxes in online games and ultimately threatening...

Global Chat: Why roleplaying in MMOs matters

If you haven't visited Psychochild's Blog -- the brainchild of former Meridian 59 and Storybricks dev Brian Green -- lately, you are missing out...
I don't know why Blizzard gave us the reaction image for this.

World of Warcraft makes plans for adjusting auction house deposit prices

How much do you think about the auction house deposit fees in World of Warcraft? Probably not very much, considering that they're meant to...

Global Chat: What MMO bloggers think about Battle for Azeroth

There certainly is no shortage of opinions concerning World of Warcraft's latest expansion out there lately. The blogosphere by and large turned its full...

One Shots: Sunspears attack!

Which MMO has aged the best in terms of its graphics? While some games have enjoyed the benefits of visual upgrades, I have to...