bug fixes

Shards’ project lead talks development, pay-for-mods, and more

What's up with Shards Online this week? Well, quite a bit according to project lead and Ultima Online veteran Derek Brinkmann. MassivelyOP recently caught up with...

Chaos Theory: The lowdown on The Secret World’s motorcycles

Ever since The Secret World's debut dev livestream two weeks ago teased motorcycle mounts, players have been abuzz with anticipation. The desire for vehicles...

One Shots: My imaginary friends

Here's a fun thought: What if we aren't actually playing MMOs? What if we're just sitting in front of blank screens, creating fantasy worlds...
No, you don't have to feud with monsters.

Pathfinder Online expands holding and adds company feuds

If there's another group of players in Pathfinder Online and you hate their stupid faces, the most recent patch to the game's Early Enrollment...
Gloria Victis

Gloria Victis adds SpeedTree 5, a first person view, and more

Gloria Victis has published its version 0.2 pre-alpha changelog. The dev team says that this build is the first public version of the fantasy...

Guild Wars 2 denies expansion date rumors, addresses ‘peaceful’ WvW bug

Don't believe everything you read from online retailers. This is the lesson that we must learn again as a supposed summer release date for...

Valiance Online plots its strategy going forward

What's going on in the super-powered world of Valiance Online? Quite a lot, actually. The spiritual successor to City of Heroes posted a list...

EverQuesting: Life after Landmark’s big wipe

It was just over a week ago that Landmark's servers went offline in preparation for a major upheaval that affected nearly every system in...
Dungeons? Check. Dragons? Check. What else could need changing?

Neverwinter outlines new and upcoming changes

When lead designer Scott Shicoff took point on Neverwinter, his first dispatch to the community was a statement that he and the rest of...
Into every life, a few game-destroying bugs must fall? Something like that.

Trove patches in the Golden Thread, now patches out the bugs

The most recent Trove patch added in the Golden Thread, which is pretty great for everyone playing the game. For the new player, it...

Xsyon patch adds architecture parts, fixes bugs

Xsyon's architecture mechanics got some love in yesterday's patch. New parts were added, including the 16x16 truss, 16 meter beams, and 8.8 and 16.8 meter...

Meta: Support Massively Overpowered on Patreon

Three months ago almost to the day, the Massively OP team came to you, the MMO community, with a promise and a request. AOL...
How could this have failed? Oh, right, in every fashion.

Pathfinder Online details the future of settlements

The War of Towers in Pathfinder Online was always a placeholder mechanic, something to hold players over before the full Settlement system was in...

Alganon is coming to Steam on May 5

Remember Alganon? It's still alive and kicking, and it's probably about to get a player infusion since it's heading to Steam on May 5th....

Elite: Dangerous tests interplay between Mac and PC versions

Being a member of the Mac gaming tribe no longer means that you have to be quarantined from the glorious PC master race, at...

SWTOR’s Rise of the Emperor finale is coming next week

BioWare launched Star Wars: The Old Republic's Rise of the Emperor patch yesterday alongside a brand-new trailer we've included below. The patch drops players on...

Hyperspace Beacon: Hands-on with SWTOR’s Rise of the Emperor update

If you read the last Hyperspace Beacon, then you know that BioWare's announcement that Ziost is finally hitting Star Wars: The Old Republic excited...

Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown launches today

After quite a while in early access testing and a significant name change that appears to have displaced much of the "online" component of...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why LOTRO needs a progression server

At some point this year -- Turbine isn't saying when, yet -- Lord of the Rings Online will be making an effort to consolidate...

DCUO returns to the Halls of Power with its next update

With DC Universe Online's sped-up content delivery schedule, players fresh off of the munitions update now can look forward to a new hit of...