buy to play

‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Tamriel Infinium: Five reasons to return to Elder Scrolls Online

Gamers rarely give an MMO a second chance. Far too often, a game bears forever the impression it earned the first time we played it. When...

Elder Scrolls Online patches in the cash shop

The Elder Scrolls Online's buy-to-play transition is finally here -- and in fact started up a day earlier than expected. Along with the business...

The Daily Grind: Does Guild Wars 2 need mounts?

Let me stop you right there: Yes, I know that Guild Wars 2 kinda has mounts. It has a ridable broom and a flying...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...

Elder Scrolls Online slips into B2P mode early

Players patching up The Elder Scrolls Online tonight ahead of its B2P conversion tomorrow are in for a surprise: They can log in early. Our own...

Guild Wars 2 patches in first-person view and map exploration changes

After a one-week delay, Guild Wars 2 has delivered a much-anticipated first-person view to the waiting eyes of players. Today's patch is a hodge-podge of...
Oh, there's going to be so much chopping.

Investment firm sees a dark future for WildStar, bright hopes for Guild Wars 2

Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo Securities is not predicting a rosy future for WildStar, although it still is recommending NCsoft as a "buy" prospect....

Sex and horror will mix in Revival

Revival is definitely aiming for a mature rating, as the horror MMO is also hinting that sex will be a part of the game....

MMO Mechanics: Navigating fast-travel systems

I'm delighted to resurrect the column that brought me to Massively-that-was, MMO Mechanics, for the ravenous readers of MOP. The column focused on the...

Guild Wars 2’s new desert WvW map revealed

If you weren't in London for EGX Rezzed and don't usually devote your Saturdays to watching livestreams, you missed the reveal of Guild Wars...
Here is the finest guild in the history of MMORPGs

Elder Scrolls Online’s B2P relaunch trailer is here

Want a concise look at what's changed in Elder Scrolls Online since launch? Look no further than this trailer for the game's business model...

The Secret World begins its epic forum game with a plea for help

A new forum game is afoot over at The Secret World, as one of the in-game characters, the Stationmaster, posted a cry for help...

Guild Wars 2 dumps WvW requirement from world exploration

Have you been stuck on the last bit of world map completion in Guild Wars 2 because the World vs. World zones weren't cooperating?...

The Stream Team: Testing out TSW’s Enhanced Player Experience

With The Secret World's Enhanced Player Experience out, MassivelyOP's MJ and Justin are tossing aside their higher-powered characters and facing Solomon Island on a...

Mage Faire Online conjures a conflict-free creative playground

Had enough of combat in MMOs? Are you looking to express yourself... magically? Then you might want to take a peek at Mage Faire...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World’s enhanced player experience

Amazing story, awesome cutscenes, phenomenal atmosphere, compelling missions, incredible NPCs... The Secret World definitely has a lot of good things going for it. It...

Flameseeker Chronicles: The Guild Wars 2 legacy

Flameseeker Chronicles is back, now under new management! I can't tell you how thrilled I am to write the fortnightly column about all things...

Director of Design Chris Whiteside leaves Guild Wars 2

Former Guild Wars 2 Director of Design Chris Whiteside has left ArenaNet to pursue other opportunities. While on a long roadtrip, Whiteside tweeted the news...

The Secret World publishes enhanced player experience patch

If you've ever felt frustrated by The Secret World's high level of combat difficulty, you might want to see what the team has done...

Coleman says there’s ‘no shame in waiting’ to back Crowfall

Holding off on backing Crowfall, even though over a million dollars' worth of players have contributed to the PvP title? J. Todd Coleman says...