call of duty warzone

Activision releases charitable cosmetic bundles in Call of Duty games to benefit LA fire relief

The fires that are continuing to threaten Los Angeles are still a focal point for game developers in the California area, as Activision has...
Call of Boredom.

Diablo’s Inaris and Lillith are among the guest characters being sold in Call of Duty Season 6

The current iterations of Call of Duty are apparently going to be absolutely awash in things when Season 6 arrives to Modern Warfare II...

Activision announces rollout of AI-assisted voice chat mod tools for its Call of Duty series

Keeping toxic voice speech under heel in FPS games might sound like a Sisyphean effort, but Activision is giving it the old college try...

Players cry foul over Call of Duty Warzone cash shop skins that offer unfair advantages

More often than not, the term "pay-to-win" is used as a weapon against almost anything, but in the case of some discovered premium skins...

Call of Duty Warzone’s 2.0 update introduces the ability for players to squad up with enemy teams

Battle royale shooters are usually the kind of game where shoot first and ask questions later is the watchword, particularly since it's a fight...

Raven Software QA votes to form union in spite of months of Activision-Blizzard unionbusting

Last December, Activision-Blizzard decided the best thing it could do in the middle of a massive sexual harassment and discrimination scandal that had provoked...

Activision did not really ban a 6-year-old gamer trying to stream Warzone with his dad

We've updated this story at the end. In short, this family was fibbing for internet cred. One of the best parts of having little kids...
Hello? I'm here because someone called? Something about duty?

Call of Duty: Warzone scored 15 million players in its first four days of operation

Hey, when the timing is right, the timing is just right. Call of Duty: Warzone is the battle royale free-to-play spinoff of the Call...
Bang bang.

Call of Duty: Warzone launches to day one numbers greater than Apex Legends’

Those people who like their military shooty-shoots and also like their battle royale games got something of a treat when Call of Duty: Warzone launched...