
Part of your etc.

Crowfall answers development questions for the month of October

It would be pretty unpleasant to log in to Crowfall and find out that while you and your friends were offline, the stronghold that...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raid beta impressions

I don't believe I've ever been more excited -- and simultaneously nervous -- about a beta test than I was for Guild Wars 2's third beta...

EverQuesting: EQII expansion Terrors of Thalumbra launches November 17th

It's happening in less than two months: EverQuest II's 12th expansion is releasing on Tuesday, November 17th. The dev team announced the date and...

Glitch art book makes digital edition available for purchase

If you're a Glitch fan and you missed out on buying The Art of Glitch through its Indiegogo campaign back in 2013, you now...

The MOP Up: A rebirth for Star Wars Galaxies

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Not So Massively: For the King’s Kickstarter, Hearthstone’s match controversy

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don't really...

EverQuesting: EverQuest franchise expansion announcements erode more trust

Is it just me, or is Daybreak actively trying to make me dislike it? To force me abandon all hope when I enter? Because...

The MOP Up: All news must go!

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

EverQuest II’s 12th expansion will be a legit expansion

Daybreak's Holly "Windstalker" Longdale has just announced that EverQuest II's next major content will be a true expansion. Our next expansion release is right around...

‘SWG 2.0’ Divergence Online hits alpha 3, launches Indiegogo campaign

If Divergence Online sounds familiar, that's because it's been in pre-launch testing for a few years already. This week, it's entered its third alpha and launched...

Kickstarter campaign ordered by attorney general to pay fines, make restitution

One of the very real risks of donating to a Kickstarter campaign is the danger that a company could take your money and never...

MUD devs cancel Kickstarter project to make other games

Open world crafting sandbox MUD made a splash on Steam's Greenlight earlier this year, but its Kickstarter drive wasn't quite as successful. Developer Ben...

Massively Overthinking: NCsoft’s western autumn

This week's Massively Overthinking is brought to you by a guildie of mine named Onyx, who donated to our Kickstarter campaign in this tier...

Kingdom of Loathing mulls mobile version and spin-off, prepares for annual convention

There's a lot going on for the punny browser game Kingdom of Loathing, so let's bring you up to date on all of the...

Eco offers doomsday device Kickstarter tier, then pulls back from the brink

In the final hours of its successful Kickstarter campaign, the global survival sandbox Eco pulled out the big guns: a new tier that would allow...

Dark Age of Camelot’s Otherworlds campaign hits halfway mark

Dark Age of Camelot's multi-month Otherworlds event is halfway finished as it enters chapter 5 this week. As with the other parts of the campaign,...

EVE Evolved: The war for Providence

In the previous edition of EVE Evolved, I looked at how the state of PvP in EVE Online has changed since the Aegis Sovereignty...

RSI’s attorney responds to Smart’s Star Citizen demands

The strange saga of Derek Smart's quixotic campaign against Star Citizen continues. The game developer sicced his lawyer on RSI last month, delivering a series...

Ask Mo: The state of Massively Overpowered

Ask Mo is back, and today Mo and I are answering a few meta questions about Massively OP itself. Our first question is from long-time...

History of EVE Online book rolls first copies off the printing press

EVE Online's player history is a massive, ever-shifting entity, and one man is making good on his dream and promise to put it into writing. A...