city of heroes

Official Site: City of Heroes
Studio: Paragon Studios/NCsoft
Launch Date: April 27, 2004
Sunset Date: November 30, 2012
Homecoming License Date: January 4, 2024
Genre: Superhero Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Mac

Our more specific coverage of the City of Heroes revival is also binned here; you can find the tighter chronology of community rogue server posts right here; regular coverage following the official licensing of the Homecoming servers resumes under the regular City of Heroes tag.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO ability makes you feel ultra-awesome?

"Ultra." I'm bringing it back, people. You'll thank me later. In any case, a skill or ability that makes you feel incredibly awesome is all...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2018

We've got a lot of awards going out over the next couple of weeks about the "best" and "biggest" of this and that. But...

Perfect Ten: MMOs to watch in 2019

The MMO genre is in a strange and uncertain place right now -- but also one that is quietly thrilling. We've long passed the...
Combination crossover.

Ship of Heroes opens registration for its first login test

It's uncommon for a development team to describe an upcoming test phase as "boring," since the goal is usually to get fans excited and...

Ask Mo: The hits and misses of Massively OP’s 2018 predictions

As we do every year, today we're going to peek back at the horrifying outcomes of last year's MOP staff predictions for the genre and the games within it to determine how well we did. After all, what would be the fun of making predictions if we couldn't giggle over our guesses a year later? So did we nail it or fail it? And did you fare better? Let's find out.
Look better.

Ship of Heroes honors City of Heroes’ deathiversary with a support toon video

Six years ago today, the sun set on City of Heroes for the last time, but the game's not been forgotten. Among the title's spiritual...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 198: Manatee… in… spaaace!

Justin and Bree discuss Blizzard, LOTRO, Fallout 76, Star Citizen, H1Z1, City of Heroes, Elite Dangerous, Legends of Aria, and computer upgrades.
This is rendering at one frame per ever.

Ship of Heroes talks plainly about its FPS testing from a technical side

It's very important to keep an eye on the FPS performance of an MMO, but it's also something that tends to not be discussed...

City of Heroes fans plan sunset memorial vigil on November 30

If you're not feeling depressed enough about beloved MMOs this week with WildStar facing the firing squad, you can always relive the City of...

Check out the new maps being built for City of Heroes’ Paragon Chat

City of Heroes refugees have long since scattered across the internet, spread among emulators, other superhero titles, and indie games being built in the...

Valiance Online recaps progress on environments and icons, promises a ‘long read’ on the way

Remember earlier in November when Valiance Online company Silverhelm Studios promised it would increase its communication with its community with biweekly updates on the...

Superhero MMORPGs mourn the passing of comics legend Stan Lee

Geeks of all stripes are mourning the passing of Stan Lee today, perhaps no one more than gamers who live and breathe superhero MMOs. Over on the DC Universe Online forums, there's been an outpouring of love for the iconic Marvel superstar.

The MOP Up: Pagan Online slams ARPGs and MOBAs together

Tack this on your list of action-RPGs to watch. Mad Head Games announced that it is developing a blend of ARPG and MOBA with...

Valiance Online promises bi-weekly news updates going forward

With the first phase of its crowdfunding campaign a success, Valiance Online looks ahead to the next steps for this superhero MMORPG. The creation...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPG should have never been made?

This could be a gruesome topic, but it popped into my head after GIbiz published an article with advice for game developers from Melbourne Games....

City of Heroes SEGS emulator patches in early content

Perhaps the best shot of getting City of Heroes back as we once knew it lies in the hands of the outlaw developers over...

Ship of Heroes demos deadly Halloween trick-or-treating and spooky new models

Just because a game's still being built doesn't mean it can't work on seasonal events, Ship of Heroes proves once again today. Heroic Games...
Which one of you is the Juno Reactor and which one is the Don Davis?

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs should be preserved in the Video Game Museum?

In returning to the video game preservation debate this week following the DMCA exceptions granted to museums and archivists allowing them to archive online...

The Video Game Museum offers a home to Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, and WildStar

It's the longest of all long shots, but WildStar could be kept alive -- and in a museum, as Indiana Jones intended. And not...

US Library of Congress grants DMCA exception for preserving online games

It's a win for the good guys, at least if you figure the good guys are on the side of preserving video game and...