

The Daily Grind: What mount type do you wish more MMOs would offer?

Here are some of my mounts in Final Fantasy XIV: a sheep. A flying pig. A giant moss-covered sneezing monster. A drifting stalk of a...

The Game Archaeologist: Lifestorm, Japan’s first MMORPG

In comparison to how widely that China and Korea's game development studios embraced MMORPGs right from the beginning, Japan's been curiously low-key in creating...
Leaf it up.

The Daily Grind: What MMOs should be adapted to mobile?

Sometimes the success or failure of a game may come down to its availability on certain platforms and systems. Sometimes an MMO that didn't...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW Factor: Why WoW Classic players are mad about the Burning Crusade character boost

I'm not going to lie to anyone here: When the World of Warcraft: Classic team first announced the idea that you could boost a...

The Daily Grind: Do you usually pick low-pop or high-pop servers in MMOs?

The other day, MOP's Carlo posted a pic of Black Desert's server selection screen, showing a ton of servers flagged "crowded" even at a...

Everything we know about Path of Exile’s Ultimatum league launching next week

Now you've done it: Path of Exile in giving you an Ultimatum... and you'll probably like it! It's time again for the big reveal...

Wandering Wraeclast: Grinding Gear has finally taken the wraps off Path of Exile 2

"Like clockwork": I wouldn't be surprised to see an icon of Grinding Gear Games and Path of Exile in the dictionary when you look...

Working As Intended: There is no good reason for MMO gamers to fund Dreamworld

Not quite a month ago, we covered the Kickstarter for a wildly ambitious MMORPG, Dreamworld. We were, uh, pretty skeptical about the game's chances....

The Soapbox: Lies I was told about World of Warcraft

A few months back, I was feeling restless in my MMO routine. Guild Wars 2 is my MMO "home," so I'm always in that...
We still care.

Vague Patch Notes: The myth of the days before MMO datamining

For those of you who don't know, this column was named after Final Fantasy XI. Specifically, it was named after the practice that particular game...
What was I made for?

The Daily Grind: Which MMO company is the worst at managing its message?

You've probably noticed that there are some studios and companies wherein the players seem to have a downright acerbic relationship with the people making...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert’s Sage release demonstrates Pearl Abyss’ focus on the west

I'm not really a comics guy, but I still have my favorite superheroes. For me, it's Dr. Strange. Marvel's artifact wielding, spell-slinging, multiverse traversing...

Why I Play: Multiplayer sandbox Eco is so much more than just an ecology simulator

I’ve been struggling to come up with a succinct way to describe Eco. The game was recently the subject of a Whatever Happened To...
Never over.

Perfect Ten: How The Burning Crusade changed World of Warcraft forever

We're kind of thinking about the first World of Warcraft expansion around these parts this week. No particular reason, especially in my case; I'm not...

The Daily Grind: How do you handle difficult MMO players?

Social gaming means both the good and the bad of social interactions. And while there are a lot of incredibly enjoyable conversations and encounters...

Choose My Adventure: Getting invested in RIFT’s Instant Adventures

So, before we begin, this is what happened with one of the polls: a dead-even split between doing Instant Adventures and following the breadcrumb...

Casually Classic: Three things I’m anticipating (and three I’m dreading) for WoW’s Burning Crusade Classic

With the Burning Crusade Classic beta underway, it's hard not to be dwelling on the near future of WoW Classic. Everyone's maneuvering their accounts,...
Always the level.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the worst ‘wealth gap’ between old and new players?

Folks, I want to talk about money - video game money. I was surfing the City of Heroes subreddit a while back when I...

Massively Uplifting: Gamestonk, gorillas, and giving in MMOs

When it comes to feel-good stories in the general media, coming across a positive one about gaming seems harder than finding a four-leaf clover....

Fight or Kite: For Honor is still the only viking vs. samurai vs. knight game for me

Many moons ago, in the simpler times of 2017, Ubisoft delivered a fantastical game that sought to bring a close to the question all...