
Choose My Adventure: Good friends and bad player behavior in Star Wars Squadrons

Well, I was hoping for this to be more fun than it actually was. I adore the heck out of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter,...

The Daily Grind: What explorer-friendly mechanics should be in more MMOs?

When Final Fantasy XIV's Futures Rewritten patch arrives next month, it includes a nifty feature called explorer mode that will essentially allow players to...
These losers again?

Wisdom of Nym: Going to war in Bozja in Final Fantasy XIV

Here we are in the wake of Final Fantasy XIV's latest content patch, and while there are a lot of different things that were technically...

Fight or Kite: Checking out veteran sci-fi sandbox MMO Vendetta Online – on mobile

Over the last few months, I’ve been playing around with VR on my phone. I know, not the ideal VR experience but I had...
I half-see.

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMOs you wish could get the Crucible treatment?

And I don't mean the cancellation part - I'm talking about the way Amazon pulled Crucible back into development in the first place. There wasn't...
Now don't kiiiiiiiss

The Daily Grind: What’s your preferred way of learning about a major MMO patch or expansion?

I don't know when we're going to hear about the next Final Fantasy XIV expansion. I know that it's going to happen, considering that Naoki...

Some Assembly Required: The future of Dual Universe’s puzzle events and development

While I may be sad at missing Dual Universe's first big puzzle event that was just solved (though folks can still follow the clues...

The Daily Grind: Are you active or passive in finding groups?

Sooner or later, it happens. You hit a moment in a quest chain or need to finish that dungeon for some fool reason. And...
Those are people who died, died.

WoW Factor: The World of Warcraft leveling experiences ranked, part one

Now that the pre-patch is here, you can level through any World of Warcraft expansion you'd like in the order your heart desires! But that,...
Fly free, too.

The Daily Grind: Isn’t it time to put an end to land rushes in MMORPGs?

When Final Fantasy XIV's 5.35 patch arrived this week, the hardcore XIV players on the Massively OP team had very mixed reactions. One triumphed...
Burn me bro.

Vague Patch Notes: Managing the MMO message – and when to piss off your fans

Remember at the beginning of this year when Mark Jacobs managed to basically enrage everyone with his announcement of another game his company was working...
Prepare for bear.

The Daily Grind: How solid do you think your memory of your favorite MMO’s history is?

Ages ago, I wrote a column in which I jokingly pointed out that in order to really get the WoW Classic experience, you should need...

Some Assembly Required: How clever gamers solved Dual Universe’s massive puzzle event in record time

If you are a fan of sandboxes and virtual worlds - and you are reading Some Assembly Required, so you probably are - then...

Perfect Ten: 10 notable MMO developers that shut their doors

When En Masse Entertainment announced that it would be closing its doors this fall, we here at Massively OP came to the realization that...

The Daily Grind: What character customization option do you use in all your MMOs?

We are nothing if not creatures of habit, even when it comes to the wild game worlds we visit. There's also something to be...

Choose My Adventure: Remnant From the Ashes is the action shooter MMO I didn’t know I wanted

I miss out on a lot of games. It happens. It’s bound to happen. There are likely countless numbers of titles that escape my...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Tips and tricks for Guild Wars 2’s roller beetle racing

I’m not a big racing game person. Sure, I played my fair share of Mario Kart 64 back in the day, but beyond that,...
Let the dead bury their dead, they will come out in droves.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs out there could use a level squish of their own?

MOP backer and fellow blogger Terminally Nerdy pinged us a few weeks back with an interesting conundrum: He was trying to think of other...

Not So Massively: Reflections on Blizzard, one year after the Hong Kong fiasco

Almost exactly a year ago, I declared that the Blizzard I loved is dead, in reaction to the Blitzchung/Hearthstone/Hong Kong fiasco. Twelve months later, that...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: The first preview of Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.4

Here we go, here we go, here we go again. The hype cycle for patch 5.3 felt like it lasted too long, probably because...