EVE Evolved: Making stories with friends in EVE Online
It's one of the more peculiar laws of the universe that when enough EVE Online players meet in the real world, they absolutely must swap stories. You...
Massively OP Interview: Exploring LOTRO with the Tolkien Professor
If you are looking for a bridge between you and the sometimes dense (but quite popular) works of J.R.R. Tolkien, then you could do...
Examining the potential for exercise and exploration in Pokemon GO
Just in time for your New Year's resolution, we reported on how Pokemon Go was featured in a peer-reviewed study on getting people to move more. But...
Chaos Theory: My Secret World 2017 goals
When the year-end Massively Overthinking asked about game resolutions, I honestly answered that I don't really make any because I hadn't ever done that...
Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most unclear futures in 2017
A little while back, I took a look at the healthiest games in the MMO space at this time. That was a nice, uplifting...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR Creative director discusses a ‘new adversary’
For the last five years and more, Star War: The Old Republic told the story of Tenebrae, a Sith of humble origins who rose...
Wisdom of Nym: Getting ready for Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.5
Welcome to the next six months of Final Fantasy XIV, folks. Yes, there are going to be more changes over time, adjustments and upgrades...
Guild Chat: Balancing real life and MMORPG commitments
Welcome along to another advice-filled edition of Guild Chat, the column in which I attempt to huddle together with the Massively Overpowered community in...
LOTRO Legendarium: My LOTRO wishlist for 2017
Ever since I've been covering Lord of the Rings Online for this site (dating back to 2010!), I've had a tradition of kicking off...
WoW Factor: New classes in a post-Legion world
So World of Warcraft patch 7.1.5 is out now... but I'm going to be honest, that doesn't feel like much of anything. It's there,...
EverQuesting: The loss of Landmark
Daybreak did it again. Boy, that phrase has come to mean a great many different things over the years. However, in this case it...
Perfect Ten: Mobile MMOs coming in 2017
This past year, we couldn't seem to go a week without bumping into news of some new mobile MMO or a tablet spin-off of...
Jukebox Heroes: Six MMOs that need official soundtrack releases
For an avid fan of video game soundtracks, and of MMO soundtracks in particular, the most frustrating aspect of collecting and listening to these...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Ten things I’d forgotten from Guild Wars 2’s Living World Season 1
I spent quite a while poring over a recent gem of a video that served as a fantastically nostalgic trip down memory lane through its...
Wisdom of Nym: Preparing for Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.5
It occurred to me as I penned last week's column that I hadn't actually been talking about Final Fantasy XIV's next patch very much...
EVE Evolved: Five EVE video shows to watch in 2017
Over the past several years, the way in which we receive gaming news and the types of gaming media we follow has changed pretty fundamentally. Today's...
The Game Archaeologist: Hero’s Journey
Fiction writers know well of Joseph Campbell's identification and outline of the monomyth, or "hero's journey," in many stories. The 12-step process starts with...
Massively OP’s 2016 awards debrief and annual recap
As we did in 2014 and 2015, today I'm going to recap our annual awards and other meta articles from the end of 2016....
Chaos Theory: The Secret World says sayonara to 2016
Have you ever had a year that you looked back on and all you could really say was, Hey, I made it through. I've...
Perfect Ten: The best MMORPG updates and expansions of 2016 (that aren’t Legion)
Sometimes you have to exclude something from a list. I could, for example, praise World of Warcraft: Legion for being a really good expansion...