Marvel Heroics: Rating Scarlet Witch and Rogue
I'm back with another installment of rating two Marvel Heroes characters that I've leveled up to 60. Last time I looked at Squirrel Girl...
EverQuesting: Preparing for EQII’s Terrors of Thalumbra expansion
Time's a-wasting! With just a month left to get ready for those terrors that await down in the subterranean world of Thalumbra, EverQuest II...
Perfect Ten: MMO systems that could be great (but I haven’t seen it yet)
Before I start this column, I want to say two important things. First, my experiences do not extend outward to the limits of the...
Stick and Rudder: The best bits of Star CitizenCon 2015
Wow, so, where to start with this week's Stick and Rudder? I guess I picked the wrong time for a vacation, and shame on...
Tamriel Infinium: Orsinium makes me forget the things I don’t like about ESO leveling
Anyone reading this column regularly understands that I have a bit of a tiff with ZeniMax because of the way it's handled the leveling...
Not So Massively: Star Citizen’s map is amazing (October 12, 2015)
Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
Sword and Bored: Ready check
Mo joins his first raid. The first boss fight has been explained and everyone is ready, right? Right?
Wisdom of Nym: Surpassing Final Fantasy XIV’s cross-class legacy
In one respect, Final Fantasy XIV is an incredibly flexible game. You are never actually locked into a single role or job; even if...
Chaos Theory: The Secret World’s Carter and Issue 12.5
It's pretty common knowledge by now that Lead Designer Romain Amiel really likes to give teasers and spoilers for The Secret World. Unlike Twitter,...
MMO Mechanics: Three ways non-MMO IPs could create great mechanics
I really enjoy being a guest on Larry Everett's video series Massively Opinionated, a series in which MMO enthusiasts answer some tough questions and...
The Game Archaeologist: Dark Sun Online
Computer RPG players in the late '80s and early '90s were surely familiar with Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) and its now-famous Gold Box series....
WoW Factor: Cataclysm was bad, but revamping the world isn’t
For about four years, Cataclysm handily defended its title of Worst World of Warcraft Expansion, coming in behind all of the actual expansions as...
Perfect Ten: Weird questions that I want answered before I play an MMO
Jumping into a new-to-me MMO can be a heady, nerve-wracking event. I think there's a reason why we find our "comfort" games and feel...
Hyperspace Beacon: Quality-of-life tweaks in SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire
BioWare's Eric Musco delivered an amazing livestream last week. Many of the questions that players have been asking about the upcoming expansion for Star...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raid beta impressions
I don't believe I've ever been more excited -- and simultaneously nervous -- about a beta test than I was for Guild Wars 2's third beta...
Not So Massively: Cloud Imperium threatens a lawsuit (October 5, 2015)
Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
Sword and Bored: Costume designer
Mo gets to mess around with his MMO's cosmetic outfit system. Amilya "helps" him, of course.
Wisdom of Nym: The state of Final Fantasy XIV’s magical DPS
The purpose of magical damage in Final Fantasy XIV is to ruin everything. Really. You get a huge group of enemies together, and then...
EVE Evolved: Bring on the big expansions again!
When EVE Online's development switched from two major expansions per year to ten smaller releases, the benefits were pretty difficult to argue with. EVE...
EverQuesting: EQ to release The Broken Mirror expansion November 18th
EverQuest fans excited for the game's next expansion should mark Wednesday, November 19th down on their calendars -- that's the day The Broken...