
MapleStory 2’s Kritias expansion brings a new level cap, new area, and new dungeons

If you've been getting your news about MapleStory 2 exclusively from its website or even its official forums, you're evidently out of the loop...

Kickstarted survival sandbox Day of Dragons’ early access launch is bogged down by drama

Remember the tussle over in-dev MMO Oath a while back? A sub-contractor for the game accused the developer of screwing with 'em, it hit...

Massively OP’s 2019 Awards: Most Underrated MMORPG

Welcome one and all to Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2019 awards! Every year, we poll our writers on the best and worst MMOs, stories, studios, and...
I'm not sure which set of CGI looks better. That's not good.

The Daily Grind: What MMO deserves its own movie or TV show?

In going through our annual posts ahead of our December awards and whatnot, I noticed a bunch of stories about movies and TV shows...

Global Chat: Crafting is just the worst, Britta!

Advance warning: If you like crafting in MMOs, then you best not read the latest post from Contains Moderate Peril, who is not quite...

One Shots: Rubbing shoulders with greatness

It is hard not to feel a little awestruck when you encounter a famous face, even if it takes place inside of a game....

WRUP: I like hamburger edition

I like. Hamburger. I. like hamburger? Hambuuuger. Ham. bougar. I liek hamburger with CHEEEEESE i liek hanbarger. Man e placse serve hunborgor four ME...

The Daily Grind: What is the worst-designed MMO quest?

The other night I was working my way through a fairly typical quest in Lord of the Rings Online in which I had to...

Bethesda’s MMOTCG Elder Scrolls Legends is destined for maintenance mode

Bad news for fans of the Elder Scrolls franchise card battler Elder Scrolls Legends: Bethsoft announced today that it's effectively putting the game into...

The Daily Grind: What MMO will change its business model dramatically in 2020?

It used to be our tradition around the end of the year to speculate on which MMORPG that hadn't yet gone free-to-play would be...

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2019

It's long-since become a multi-year and fun tradition on Massively OP to do an end-of-year recap of the best and worst MMO dev quotes...
Well, thanks anyhow.

The Elder Scrolls Online is announcing its next major chapter in January

The time-honored announcement of a future announcement is here now for The Elder Scrolls Online, as the developers have announced that the game's next major...
Well, I guess.

Fans are invited to a real-world memorial for Brad McQuaid later this month

MMORPG fans have been in mourning for the last few weeks following the death of Brad McQuaid, one of the most popular veteran developers...
Here we go.

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO surprises of 2019

After 10 years of covering MMORPG news, I can assure you that I am still fired up to keep doing this. One of the...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever pick a human skin tone other than your own in MMOs?

If we may tread lightly around the topic of race this morning, I'd like to ask an honest question to elicit honest answers. Assuming...

Anarchy Online’s progression server raises its level cap, but its future is uncertain

Here's a fun fact for you today: Did you know that Anarchy Online launched prior to the very first Harry Potter movie release? That...

Choose My Adventure: How Citadel Forged with Fire made me like survival sandboxes in spite of its faults

So here we are at the end of my first real deep dive into a survival sandbox. Citadel: Forged with Fire is, by all...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever play MMOs in synergistic pairs?

I've noticed a pattern in my MMO play the last year or so. Ever since jumping into Star Wars Galaxies Legends last year, I've...

Massively Uplifting: MMO fundraisers, GW2 raid class, and saving trees and cats

Being grateful isn't relegated to just one month, but November is when many people -and gamers - double-down on the things they are thankful...
This is not a doll.

Rumor: An official Final Fantasy XI fan gathering is scheduled for February 27

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy XI, it's easy to feel at times like you're sort of the forgotten child. Sure, the game...