
Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns stress test begins March 24

Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns expansion stress testing is set to begin on March 24th, according to emails going out to lucky invitees...
For my next trick, I'm making Prowl.

WRUP: Angry dot jpeg edition

The image above is a picture of Prowl from IDW's Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, which is an utterly great comic that you...

The Daily Grind: How important are different body types in MMO character creation?

I know it's a pain for the art team to have to figure out how to get gear and weapons to fit different shapes,...

Atlantica Online introduces its Shadow Legion update

Eight new playable mercenaries have joined the Atlantica Online roster with yesterday's patch. The Shadow Legion consists of martial arts beggars who have begun...

The Secret World begins #IAMTSW contest series

The Secret World's forum game is finally upon us, and as promised, it looks to be a doozy. Funcom will be running several weeks...

EVE Fanfest 2015: CCP opens VR Labs, unveils four new side projects

The story of how virtual reality dogfighter EVE: Valkyrie was born is a great indicator of shifts within the games industry. While the big...

Trion says it ‘missed the mark’ with ArcheAge promotion

Yesterday's revelation that Trion was handing out significant gifts to former ArcheAge players to entice them to return to the game -- gifts in...

The Daily Grind: Does story matter in MMORPGs?

We're breaking out the Daily Grind questions offered up by some of our Kickstarter donors today with one by Kharl, who wanted to talk...

Massively Overthinking: Making MMOs ‘sticky’ without vertical progression

Today's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter backer Jersey C, who asks, If you were asked to design an MMORPG without vertical progression...

Warframe is ‘retiring’ premium crafted armor

It's the end of an era for Warframe crafters. For reasons unknown but that probably rhyme with "martificial schmarcity," Digital Extremes is retiring three...
Redguard girl

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite Elder Scrolls Online race?

I'm looking forward to some Elder Scrolls Online this month, but I may not use my max-level character. His guild is gone, and frankly...

FFXIV and ESO players complain about unfair international pricing

It might not be the most shocking fact you'll read today, but not all box prices and subscription rates are created equal depending on...

Choose My Adventure: Path of Marvel

In last week's Choose My Adventure, we learned a few magic spells and set off to conquer a tiny portion of Diablo III's hellish...

Crowfall hires former CCP exec as new community manager

Crowfall continues to add experienced industry veterans to its team, as ArtCraft announced today that it has hired Valerie Massey to be the new...

The Daily Grind: Were you playing MMOs 16 years ago?

This week, EverQuest is celebrating its 16th anniversary. That's right: It was all the way back on March 16th, 1999, that the seminal title...

SMITE’s Another COG in the Machine patch detailed

Hi-Rez has released a SMITE video update that covers the new Another COG in the Machine patch. Community content manager Kelly Link is your...

Jukebox Heroes: EverQuest Online Adventures

From birth until its ignoble death, EverQuest Online Adventures always lived in the shadow of the EverQuest franchise's wing. As a chunky-looking subscription game on...

Cryptic layoffs alone totaled 18 people

Massively OP has been contacted by a Cryptic employee -- who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed -- about the Perfect...

Line of Defense reevaluates F2P plans after shaky free weekend test

Following a tumultuous free play weekend, Line of Defense creator Derek Smart said that the game may or may not go forward with a...

Tamriel Infinium: Five reasons to return to Elder Scrolls Online

Gamers rarely give an MMO a second chance. Far too often, a game bears forever the impression it earned the first time we played it. When...