
Pearl Abyss Q3 2020: EVE Online’s revenues are up 45% YOY, Crimson Desert reveal coming in December

It appears it's been hard for many gaming companies to top or match their revenue earlier this year when many customers were captive audiences,...

Not So Massively roundup: Main Assembly, Atlas, ARK, Grounded, Runeterra, and Minecraft Dungeons

We may be an MMORPG website, but we still keep an eyeball on multiplayer games that our audience is interested in. Here's a quick...

Phantasy Star Online 2 digs into its Thanksgiving event, offers Guilty Gear and BlazBlue costumes

Phantasy Star Online 2 is cranking up for a packed -- and delicious -- November. SEGA announced that the global MMO just kicked off...

You can play last-gen Warframe on the new Xbox Series X/S right now

'Tis the season of the next generation of consoles, which incidentally is also the season for a number of MMORPGs and multiplayer titles to...

Final Fantasy XIV offers a few notes for players playing on the PlayStation 5 version

There is not currently a specific version of Final Fantasy XIV made for the PlayStation 5, but while the console does not feature ping-pong ball...
great work, guy!

Gamers welcomed Microsoft’s record-setting Xbox Series X launch with vaping memes

The release of Microsoft's Xbox Series X and Series S systems has reportedly been one of the largest for the company, at least according...

Black Desert kicks off Thanksgiving events and announces a digital Calpheon Ball

As you can tell from the header image, the Black Spirit -- and by extension Black Desert -- loves Thanksgiving. If you love Thanksgiving,...

Destiny 2’s Beyond Light launch sees login issues and nearly record-breaking Steam numbers

It's been a very big 24 hours for Destiny 2 fans as the Beyond Light expansion has released, bringing along all sorts of new...
Airborne sylphic event.

Final Fantasy XIV turns housing demolition timers back on with its next major patch

Housing in Final Fantasy XIV has something of a problem insofar as there are only so many houses to go around and a lot of...

Final Fantasy XI: November version update, another Mog Bonanza, and new collector toys

How good are you at guessing numbers? Final Fantasy XI is starting a new Nomad Mog Bonanza on November 11th in which players have to...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 296: Feywild, Markarth, and multiboxing

Justin and Bree discuss Dungeons and Dragons Online, ESO Markarth, WoW multiboxing, Old School RuneScape, and Guild Wars 2 Truce, with mailbag topics on leadership influencing toxicity and a new generation of MMO minigames.
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: The roots of Final Fantasy XIV’s awful housing problem aren’t clear

Let's start with a simple sentiment that I think absolutely everyone can get behind. However solid the underlying mechanics for decorating houses may be,...

Destiny 2’s Beyond Light expansion sends players to Europa today

No more delays: Destiny 2's Beyond Light expansion is finally upon us today. As promised, the update sends players to Europa, certainly the most...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Markarth DLC is live on console as ZeniMax promises free next-gen upgrades

With the next-generation console launches coming very soon now, ZeniMax thought it was wise to push the release of Elder Scrolls Online's Markarth on...
Welcome to funky town.

Final Fantasy XIV outlines the changes coming to tomestones in patch 5.4

The penultimate patch for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is coming in early December, and that means players will be dealing with a new shuffling...

Conan Exiles plans anti-undermesh features for PC, updates on the Xbox version’s woes

Busy times over in Conan Exiles land. There's things for both PC players and Xbox players to report on, so let's dig right in: ...

The MOP Up: Runes of Magic gets a headstart on Thanksgiving

It's still early in November, but Runes of Magic has already laid out a tasty spread for its Autumn Banquet in the game. Eat...
Still struggling.

Jukebox Heroes: The best of EverQuest’s MIDI soundtrack

I've always felt that MIDI tunes were to computers what chiptunes were to 8-bit and 16-bit consoles. Before storage media expanded and technology increased...

One Shots: Don’t stare directly at the book

In most games, a book is a dumping ground for ignored lore or, at best, a prop to make you look extra-nerdy for all...

The Stream Team: Searching for skilled labor in a Conan Exiles super surge

Massively OP's MJ ran a lower-level surge on Conan Exiles' Isle of Siptah, but she's eager to test the system's limits and run some...