With the next-generation console launches coming very soon now, ZeniMax thought it was wise to push the release of Elder Scrolls Online’s Markarth on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 up a day — to yestereve. That means it’s live now. Happy patch day, console jockeys!
The update, which includes both the new Markarth DLC and the associated free patch, takes players through the conclusion of this year’s Dark Heart of Skyrim arc. The year is going out on a high note with the addition of The Reach zone, two world bosses, two delves, item set collections, and an arena.
Speaking of the next gen console launches, Bethesda posted an FAQ about its plans for upgrading its games to the Xbox Series X, Series S, and PlayStation 5. And happily enough, Elder Scrolls Online is among the very first titles to get this treatment without any additional cost (although a date for this upgrade has not been set).
“We’re excited for the new consoles and are pleased to let you know that The Elder Scrolls Online and DOOM Eternal will be our first games to receive free next generation console upgrades. We have not announced when these upgrades will be available. Upgrades will apply to both physical and digital versions of each title, but please note that physical versions will not be able to upgrade on the digital-only versions of the next generation console.”