
PAX West 2022 returns to Seattle in September for a masked and vaccinated event

PAX West will return again: ReedPop announced that it will once again host an in-person convention in Seattle this year. The event runs September...

EVE Fanfest 2022: Fanfest attendees have already begun testing positive for COVID

(We've updated this post at the end with the latest counts and info.) EVE Fanfest 2022 in Reykjavik is barely over, and the first cases...

PAX East 2022’s COVID outbreak has already resulted in one death

Last week, we covered the story about an apparent COVID outbreak at PAX East, which followed an outbreak at GDC; no less than the...
It's fine.

Activision-Blizzard employees stage a digital demonstration over COVID vaccine mandate row

Yesterday saw workers at Activision-Blizzard plan to stage another walkout demonstration over the studio's COVID policies, but bad weather and employees falling ill apparently...
Popcorn appropriately.

Activision-Blizzard reverses plan to lift in-office vaccine reqs after employee walkout threat

Activision-Blizzard continues to be put on notice by the proto-union A Better ABK and the workers of the studio. The latest incident revolves around...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s April Community Day strategy hurts its own goals – and players

Once again, Pokemon GO is marching forward to places its players don't want to go. Niantic, the same company that pivoted commendably during the...

Massively on the Go: First impressions of the multiplayer Mario Party Superstars

We've talked about Mario Party a few times on MassivelyOP, but only recently, as the Mario Kart series is both older and probably more familiar to...

MMO Business Roundup: China’s crackdown, the COVID bubble, MY.GAMES hires, and the Shatterline leak

Welcome back to another super fun roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news. Remember how regulators in China have cracked down on youth gaming in...
And it's gone.

DOTA 2 The International refunds live-audience tix because the pandemic didn’t go away

For those who somehow haven't noticed, the COVID-19 pandemic didn't go away. We're still very much in the middle of it here in the...

Pokemon Go’s ‘postponed’ Safari Zones going hybrid, still no party hats for Japan, Korea, or Italy

Niantic is still trying to get Pokemon GO players outside despite backlash and ongoing hashtag tomfoolery, though right now it's doing so in a hybrid...

Pokemon Go subreddit goes dark to protest Reddit’s stance on COVID disinfo

For once, the Pokemon Go community is protesting someone other than Niantic when it comes to COVID. Earlier this month, Reddit community leaders began agitating...

Niantic finally reverted the Pokemon GO COVID interaction radius after player boycott

It seems the blowback from the Pokemon GO community in response to Niantic's gym/Pokestop situation had some teeth after all. While the community -...

Pokemon Go’s New Zealand rollbacks show Niantic is more concerned with local law than actual safety

Good news: New Zealanders have had their Pokemon Go PokeStop and Gym radius restored to 80 meters, exactly what the community has been asking...

Massively on the Go: Niantic’s response to Pokemon Go’s community is painfully deficient

Well, the timing of my last Pokemon Go article on the release of the ill-timed spin/interaction nerf was interesting in that it coincided with what felt...

Massively on the Go: Niantic ditching Pokemon Go’s COVID benefits was a dangerous mistake

Recently I was forced into isolation since an untrustworthy family member hid COVID symptoms from the household and our vaccinated guests who were going...

DragonCon 2021 plans hybrid setup, implements COVID precautions for in-person event

Since 1987, DragonCon's put out a yearly call for geeks, the hardcore, and cosplay royalty to gather together to get their nerd on. When...

PAX West 2021 will require attendees to prove they’re vaccinated or COVID-free

PAX West won't be letting folks through the doors unless they're vaccinated or have successfully passed a recent COVID-19 test. The convention will require...

Massively on the Go: How Jackbox Games helped gamers stay social through COVID

For some people, Jackbox Games' Party Packs were a COVID lifesaver. While many of us have a lot of virtual connections thanks to our...

Here are the cities around the world that’ll host Pokemon Go Fest 2021

Pokemon Go’s upcoming Go Fest 2021 event is officially going outside. In groups. Across the world. Your instinct is likely going to be to sign up...

Project Gorgon talks Vampirism, player housing, mounts, Orcs, and new hires

Indie sandbox Project Gorgon is exactly a month out from its big May update, which added an optional subscription and perks like an offline...