cryptic studios

A PWE studio known primarily for Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online.

The Game Archaeologist: The Shadow of Yserbius

Really, I blame my parents for not being filthy rich. If they had been, we could've afforded the $130/month unlimited subscription fee to the ImagiNation...

E3 2016: Perfect World’s Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Livelock

One thing that I see over and over in our comments sections when we cover Perfect World's MMOs is hatred for lockboxes and keys bought...

Star Trek Online talks about its new ‘classic’ ship designs and Temporal Defense reputation

Fans of the original Star Trek series (TOS) know that, due to budget and technological limitations, there weren't a lot of different Starfleet ship...
I'm sprcl.

Star Trek magazine provides support for a Star Trek Online crossover with the reboot universe

Remember this dude from Star Trek Online? You know, the guy that got a whole write-up just for the fun of it about how...
I get the temptation, but you are not actually a captain.

Star Trek Online previews the Temporal Operative primary specialization

The Temporal Operative is the newest primary specialization for player characters in Star Trek Online. Or perhaps it's the oldest. Things get really wonky...
What do I do?

PSA: The E3 Humble Bundle is full of online gaming goodness

Is your favorite MMO going to be at E3 this year? There are some games there and many that aren't, so it's a bit...
I want to go back (go back)

Star Trek Online shows off its 23rd century ship stats

When Star Trek Online launches Agents of Yesterday, players will be able to fly around in the ships of the line from the mid-23rd...

The Soapbox: Sharing MMORPGs with my kids

"Dad, can I pilot your ship tonight?" I turn around to see my seven-year-old son giving me Bambi eyes with his hands clasped because, somewhere...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with distinct visual styles

Given the choice, I am always going to pick a game with stylized graphics over realistic ones. This is for many reasons; it's partly...
Serious game.

Star Trek Online details its fabulous non-spacecraft rewards for this year’s summer festival

You can earn yourself a powerful new starship in Star Trek Online's summer festival on Risa. That's wonderful. But the respect that such a...
Oh no, it's all we are.

Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday launches on July 6th

Players of Star Trek Online are no strangers to going back in time, but Agents of Yesterday is something different. It's not just traveling...

Cryptic’s Jack Emmert now heads up DCUO at Daybreak Austin

Jack Emmert, known to MMORPG players chiefly for his role as co-founder of Cryptic Studios, has been appointed CEO of Daybreak's -- yes, that...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 68: Dark and light

Justin and Bree discuss Darkfall, Landmark, Marvel Heroes, ArcheAge, Neverwinter, and ESO, with mailbag questions on community negativity, streaming, and commenters.
Subtle changes.

Today’s Neverwinter update adds guild alliances, logical campaign paths

Going live around noon EDT today in Neverwinter is Guild Alliances, a large update to the Maze Engine campaign. Players will be able to...

Earn a Vorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort ship in Star Trek Online’s summer festival

Slap on your sci-fi swimsuits and sunglasses, space gamers: Star Trek Online is bringing back the summer-themed Risan Lohlunat Festival come Thursday. "All the fun...
This place is ugly.

Star Trek Online shines more light on graphical changes

If any game doesn't need to offer players actual technical information about graphical upgrades, it's Star Trek Online. The developers could just say that...

Neverwinter announces summer PS4 launch and Storm King’s Thunder expansion

D&D-flavored MMO Neverwinter has posted two huge announcements this week: First, the PC-and-Xbone MMORPG is bound for the PlayStation 4 this summer. "We are also...
Time after time after time etc.

Star Trek Online previews the missions of the 23rd century and its console UI

When Star Trek Online goes back in time to the era of the original series, players are going to have plenty of temporal antics...
Ah yes, teamwork.

Star Trek Online plans to improve performance with more elegant math

If you aren't super interested in reading detailed technical breakdowns of changes to game clients, you can just accept that Star Trek Online's developers...
look out it is a vortex

Star Trek Online discusses graphical upgrades for its console launch

The graphics could be better in Star Trek Online. That's not really a value judgement; the game has been out for six years now,...