
See: Cryptic Studios

Choose My Adventure: New ships, New Romulus, and a new gun in Star Trek Online

So the past poll was a 50/50 split, but I'm curious if that's because regular Star Trek Online players knew what was coming. Considering the...

LOTRO Legendarium: What I want from Amazon’s Lord of the Rings MMO

While my primary interest and focus in this column continues to be Lord of the Rings Online, I'm not so stubborn as to refuse...

The Stream Team: Star Trek Online’s Defense of Pahvo event

The events just coming in Star Trek Online -- so many that Massively OP's MJ needs to bring along help to do them! So...
Break on through to the other side.

Champions Online is hosting a costume contest of opposites tonight

Inside of every superhero there are two wolves. (Aside from Wolfspout, the man who summons infinite wolves.) One of them has already won, as...

The Stream Team: More crypt crawling in Neverwinter

Massively OP's MJ really likes helping the Dwarf at Helm's Hold in Neverwinter, but it's time for her to move on. Others need her...

Neverwinter and Star Trek Online sell special packs to benefit charity

Perfect World Entertainment has joined in on the philanthropic efforts to help those get the mental and physical health services they need with the...

Neverwinter showcases the content, rewards, and release date of the Rage of Bel episode

It would appear that the heroes of Neverwinter have managed to tick off a demon lieutenant. An update post has outlined the upcoming Rage...

Xbox X developers include Blizzard, Bungie, Pearl Abyss, and Square Enix

With the console still on track to release sometime during the holiday season later this year, the Xbox Series X is preparing a huge...
I am not supporting this lizard-shooting quest.

Massively Overthinking: The oldest MMORPGs we still play

When I was still a teenager in my earliest MMOs, the trend in the communities I ran in was to play MMOs sequentially, due...
Hell hell hell hell

Neverwinter gets a small patch with quest improvements and ability adjustments

Alas, Black Ice Warhorse, your old ability was too complicated for Neverwinter. So now it has been made simpler and adjusted to be more...
This place is ugly.

Star Trek Online previews environments for a year of Klingons with the promise of more missions to come

Playing a Klingon in Star Trek Online still feels a bit like being the unloved faction. The faction was originally just there for PvP,...

MMO fan creates an infographic to help you choose a game

With such a wide field of MMORPGs out there, it may be pretty daunting to figure out where to start -- or where to...

Choose My Adventure: The first steps as a Romulan in Star Trek Online

In last week's column, I mentioned that the start of our Star Trek Online journey would not be done alone, and sure enough I've...

The MOP Up: Twin Saga blossoms into spring

Spring has blossomed in Twin Saga, with the huge Update 25 bringing a new Senshi quest, the Trade Fjord and Fairy Valley zones, the...
Here we go.

Champions Online runs a bonus reward event and offers up some free capes

Got an alt or multiple alts in need of leveling in Champions Online? Now would be your time to shine, as the game is...

Neverwinter confirms delays to its 2020 content roadmap, work on a new class, and more in a livestream

This past Monday, Cryptic Studios went live with a number of updates to Neverwinter that will be mighty interesting to players of the MMORPG. First...

Star Trek Online previews its next campaign event, the Defense of Pahvo, and upcoming 2020 additions

Right now in Star Trek Online you can enjoy the winter event for 2019 right now, in the middle of the spring. Yes, it's...

Choose My Adventure: Seriously, the Roblox community is pretty impressive

Over the course of my time in Roblox for this round of Choose My Adventure, I've come to appreciate the value of community creativity....

The MOP Up: Star Sonata 2 reboots the universe

If you've been playing Star Sonata 2, you need to prepare yourself for the end of the universe -- and the start of a...

The Game Archaeologist: The history of play-by-email games

For most all of human history, people who wanted to play a game together usually had to be in physical proximity with each other....