daily grind

See: The Daily Grind

No galaxy brain here.

The Daily Grind: Which deeply held MMO belief have you totally changed your mind about?

Let's normalize changing our minds in the face of better evidence and data, eh? I grew up in MMOs when it was fine and sometimes...

The Daily Grind: What MMO took the longest for you to ‘click’ with it?

So as anyone who knows about my history in writing about MMOs will probably either already know or be unsurprised to learn, I bought City...

The Daily Grind: What are your objectives during the first hour of an MMO?

After months and even years of waiting, the time is here at last. You've downloaded the game, poured a glass of your favorite frosty...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever use MMOs to do things you can’t do in real life?

My allergies have been so dreadful this spring and summer that I've really struggled - going outside literally means risking serious rashes as pollen...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs have the best weather mechanics?

I am well aware that weather in MMOs is a very old concept; the first time I saw snow in Ultima Online feels like...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best cats?

This is a Daily Grind about cats. It is not an allegory or a metaphor. There is not a deeper meaning here. We are...

The Daily Grind: Do you turn MMO nameplates off during play?

I'm kind of low-key fascinated with how much we as people can visually filter out the often excessive UI elements in MMORPGs and see...

The Daily Grind: Have your opinions on MMO PvP changed over the years?

One of the first columns I penned for MOP after we went indie was a column about what I wanted from serious MMO PvP....

The Daily Grind: Is there an MMO you actively regret playing?

I genuinely wish that I had never played Champions Online. Not because I think it's a terrible game or anything; far from it. While...

The Stream Team: Fun and folderol in Fall Guys

Must gaming be serious? Must fun be serious? Massively OP's MJ says, NO! Such an idea is simply foolishness. Then again, foolishness can also...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite Cryptic MMO?

A little ways back, I made the claim that Cryptic Studios' MMORPGs are -- for me -- the epitome of "comfort gaming" in this...

The Daily Grind: Does the treadmill of gear obsolescence drive you batty in MMORPGs?

A while back, I was hanging out in Lord of the Rings Online when I spied a conversation in world chat that we've all...
we go

The Daily Grind: What’s a type of MMO content you don’t play but do want in the game?

By happenstance, I found myself rereading the comments of Eliot's 2022 article on World of Warcraft's then-latest excuse not to do housing, and I...
tappa tappa tappa

The Daily Grind: What convinces you to pay money for an MMO?

One of the interesting aspects of the modern MMO landscape is that there are long stretches of time when you can play a game...

The Daily Grind: Are anime stylings a dealmaker or deal-breaker in MMOs for you?

Despite growing up with a healthy dose of Voltron and Robotech in my viewing habits, I've never been that fascinated with the anime subculture...

The Daily Grind: What’s your most recent screw-up in an MMORPG?

Last weekend, I logged into SWG Legends after good long while of playing other MMOs. I knew I'd been neglecting my vendors (sorry, shoppers!),...
Arcy farky parky

The Daily Grind: Do you have hope for ArcheAge or its sequel?

To me, ArcheAge will forever be the first of many South Korean games that was heralded as bringing back the mythical prelapsarian days of...

The Daily Grind: Do you have MMOs you play for the story rather than progression?

I've recently been musing about how we create categories for MMOs in our own minds. There are those "home games," for example, that we...

The Daily Grind: Knockdown in MMOs sucks. What should replace it?

OK, I should rephrase. Knocking down doesn't suck. Knocking down your enemy flat on his butt so you can whomp on him is hilarious....
Oh my.

The Daily Grind: How many people are on your top MMO’s friends list?

Back in June, Blizzard announced that it was doubling the Battle.net friend list cap from 200 to 400 friendos, and I saw a bunch...