daybreak game company

Daybreak Game Company, colloquially known as just Daybreak, is what remains of the formerly Sony-owned studio SOE. The company was renamed following its purchase by investment firm Columbus Nova in early 2015. It is known best for the EverQuest and PlanetSide franchises, as well as Star Wars Galaxies, DC Universe Online, H1Z1, Vanguard, Dragon’s Prophet, The Matrix Online, Free Realms, and Clone Wars Adventures.

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever collected in an MMO?

Back when original-flavor Star Wars Galaxies was alive, I had a bit of an obsession with Ubese shirts. Essentially, they were sleeveless undershirts that...

Space content for SWGemu is still up in the air as devs say a wipe and launch are still ‘a long ways off’

If you've followed the long-running original-flavor Star Wars Galaxies emu community for any length of time, you are surely aware of the emulator that...

The Daily Grind: Did you ever skip any great MMOs to play something more popular?

With WoW Classic in the news so much lately, I've been thinking back to 2004 when the original World of Warcraft launched. We've spent...
Similar, but not the same.

EverQuest II kicks off prelude events for its unannounced 2019 expansion

With GU111 Carnage in Kael behind us, we're heading into expansion season for EverQuest II. The expansion hasn't officially been announced yet, so we...

Inside Star Citizen showcases commodity inventory, two Vanguard variants, and hover mode adjustments

It's another week, and so that means another development video from Star Citizen! This edition of the video series provided the first build of...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you wish had an emulator – but doesn’t?

A few weeks back, when The Matrix 4 news hit, I spent some time digging around The Matrix Online's community so that I could...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs made by tiny teams

I don't really have to tell you this, but creating an MMORPG is a huge undertaking. These are some of the most complex games...

The Stream Team: Doing EverQuest II’s Days of Summer event

As promised last time, Massively OP's MJ won't be trudging all around the dino island this EverQuest II-sday. Instead, she's going to explore the...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 236: Guild Wars 2’s dragons and Vikings

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW Classic, ArcheAge Unchained, PlanetSide Arena, Peria Chronicles, SWTOR, Conan Chop Chop, Last Oasis, Caravan Stories, and Champions Online, with a mailbag question on improving boring MMO tasks.

Massively Uplifting: LOTRO community events, appreciative FFXIV fans, and making gaming accessible

Just because it's the hottest month of the year doesn't mean we don't want to bury ourselves in warm fuzzies! Positivity is always welcome...

The Daily Grind: What was the last MMO that you regretted quitting?

Last spring, I made a hard call: I finally decided that I wasn't playing Ultima Online enough to justify a sub. That's not just...
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

Global Chat: MMO roleplaying explained for the rest of us

Game designer Brian Green has been on a writing streak as of late with a whole series of blog posts about roleplaying in MMORPGs....

One Shots: All the awesome you can handle

One day when I grow up, I hope to be half as amazing and down-to-earth cool as most of our One Shots community here....

Leaderboard: Do you buy the ‘Grand Daybreak Unification’ theory?

Yesterday, MMO blogger Wilhelm Arcturus of The Ancient Gaming Noob dropped a fun conspiracy theory in the comments of our piece on EVE Online...

Daybreak’s PlanetSide Arena will hit early access September 19, full launch Q2 2020

Yesterday, Daybreak finally broke its long silence on PlanetSide Arena with a teaser trailer, and as of today, the studio's got a new dev...
Chicks who've broken our hearts.

Design Mockument: Plausible ideas for The Matrix Online 2

When Bree found out that I'm a fan of the Matrix franchise of films, she said it'd be fun to see me take on...

Daybreak just posted a PlanetSide Arena teaser after six months of silence

In December of last year, Daybreak announced its next big PlanetSide venture: a massive-scale battle royale game called PlanetSide Arena with tie-ins to the...

The Stream Team: Cornering Captain Greymast in EverQuest II

Massively OP's MJ has tracked him across islands and through dizzying avenues of pirates' hideouts, but she has yet to corner EverQuest II's Captain...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 235: The one about WoW Classic

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic, Legends of Aria, LOTRO, Black Desert, Astellia Online, Elite Dangerous, and EverQuest II, with mailbag topics on progression servers and stream etiquette.

Daybreak registers a domain name for its possible splinter studio Rogue Planet Games

While all we've got is registrations and assumptions, it certainly looks like Daybreak Games is moving forward with some form of business plans. Our...