daybreak games

See: Daybreak Game Company

The Daily Grind: Given H1Z1’s plight, are you worried about Daybreak?

Last week, it became clear that H1Z1 has forfeited a ton of ground in the battle over battle royale games as it's lost 90%...

The Game Archaeologist: EverQuest Mac

In 2003, Sony Online Entertainment tried an experiment to reach out to the (then) small-but-growing community of Mac users. The company released EverQuest Macintosh...

Rumor: H1Z1 may finally be launching; the ‘royalty showdown’ begins today

Yesterday, in our report on H1Z1's plummeting player numbers since the onslaught from PUBG and Fortnite, we mentioned that the game's launch, once planned...
Look in my eyes, what do you see? Creative bankruptcy.

Daybreak’s zombie battle royale game H1Z1 has lost 90% of its playerbase since July

Polygon has a report out this afternoon sourcing data aggregator GitHyp, both of which are casting doubt on H1Z1's future viability as a game...

One Shots: First steps into a wider world

Every MMORPG player knows that there is something incredible and magical in the feeling that you get when you take your very first steps...

Whatever happened to Pirates of the Burning Sea, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, and Puzzle Pirates?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, “Whatever happened to that game?” With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...

EverQuest announces ‘true box’ progression server

These days, EverQuest seems to exist to be a test bed for different progression server concepts. Its community certainly doesn't tire of starting all...
I'm going to write that MMO about the snarky robot I always wanted to!

Massively Overthinking: Could bots save dying MMORPGs?

Last week, a reader named Chris, who is writing a paper on the MMO industry and revivifying sunsetted games, dropped an intriguing question into...
I what

MMO devs discuss the painful process of shutting down online games

Have you ever thought about what it is like for developers and community managers who handle online games that are being shut down? It's...
If you pay for it, it will be built.

EverQuest II adds a level boost potion for crafting

Want to get crafting done in EverQuest II but without all the crafting parts? Well, now you can have just that with the tradeskill...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: The tabletop GMs behind MMOs

One of the advantages to computer RPGs, I've always thought, is that you don't need a friend who you can alternately sucker or bribe...

The MOP Up: Black Desert’s Ninja arrives in Southeast Asia (February 11, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPGs should stay away from legacy servers?

Legacy, vanilla, classic, progression - call them what you like, but alternative server rulesets, particularly of the nostalgia-driven kind, are all the rage in...

Just Survive test center patch gives zombies a GPS

A comprehensive balancing and adjustment patch hit Just Survive's test server this week with dozens of changes for the zombie survival sandbox. There is...

Raph Koster calls potential manipulative MMO microtransaction AI ‘horrendous’

Here is some nightmare fuel for gamers imagining the future of the industry. How about an artificial intelligence that deliberately manipulates and messes with...

EverQuest II preps its Stitch in Time update

How about this as a love letter from Daybreak to EverQuest II players? Next week, the studio is releasing GU105, A Stitch in Time,...

Perfect Ten: RIFT features that deserve praise

Maybe it will be short-lived, but it is exciting to see attention and excitement return to the sphere of RIFT following the announcement of...

DC Universe Online is killing Superman (again)

How many times must Superman die? The iconic superhero met his end in the highly publicized 1992 comic book arc before being brought back to...

The MOP Up: Overwatch rings in the Lunar New Year (February 4, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Global Chat: To RIFT or not to RIFT?

Everyone's talking about RIFT's new Prime server idea -- and whether or not it will get us playing Trion Worlds' fantasy MMO once again....