
See: Daybreak Game Company

Dual Universe showcases entries in its space station building contest

In my time spent within Landmark, and in other games where people are allowed to build their own homes or habitats, I've come to...

The MOP Up: Naruto Slugfest steps up to bat

Naruto Slugfest, the mobile MMO based on the hit franchise, just activated a soft early access launch, with no wipe to follow. Players can...

One Shots: Acrophobia immersion therapy

For those, like myself, who have a slight fear of heights, then boy does Star Citizen have the ship for you! It's the equivalent...
Probably without the album that slaps, too.

DC Universe Online brings out a Birds of Prey episode on April 16

If you haven't already seen the movie Birds of Prey, you can actually get that on streaming right now. That's cool. It also means...

EverQuest bungles new overseer system, infuriating fans

Sometimes, Daybreak's just gotta Daybreak, and there's nothing we can do but shake our heads and laugh mirthlessly. A black cloud is spreading over EverQuest's...

Massively Overthinking: What do you hoard in MMORPGs?

Last week, online gamers made headlines for hoarding toilet paper. No, not in real life - in Fallout 76. Way to embrace the apocalypse,...
Never over.

Perfect Ten: The stages of the MMO life cycle

To this day, no one has a quote as useful on the subject of life and death as E. B. White: "We're born, we...
I am not Iron Man.

PlanetSide 2 deploys Desolation tweaks and upgrades its east coast servers

Remember those previewed changes for PlanetSide 2 from its weekend test server? That was just a couple of days ago, but they were planned...

Kickstarted MMORPG Chronicles of Elyria halts development, lays off all employees

Since its splashy and successful Kickstarter run back in 2016 that raised $1.36 million from MMO gamers, Chronicles of Elyria developed a reputation for...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 264: Don’t feel blue, MapleStory 2

Justin, Bree, Eliot, and Chris discuss the pandemic's positive impact on gaming, MapleStory 2, Guild Wars 2, EverQuest, and Warhammer Online, with adventures in Animal Crossing, Star Trek Online, GW2, SWG Legends, Dauntless, and FFXIV, and an epic lightning round mailbag.

The Star Wars Galaxies rogue server community is collaborating on a multi-emu support project

Feeling a little disconnected from the world right now? You're not alone, and multiple MMO communities are coming together to try to fix that....

EverQuest activates a short bonus period, releases a cappella album

Even as EverQuest's team transitions to working from home, it doesn't mean things are slowing down for the title during its anniversary month. In...
Shooty bang-bang.

PlanetSide 2 plans for Desolation changes hitting the live servers this week

There was a playtest for PlanetSide 2 changes this past weekend, which ran a special Outfit Wars schedule on the test server to try...

One Shots: Mining the safe, responsible way

When it comes to the careful and meticulous extraction of natural resources from the planet, it pays great dividends to hew to our 32-point...

The Game Archaeologist: Shenmue Online

If you ever stumble across a Dreamcast enthusiast -- and believe me, they are everywhere -- on the forefront of their diatribe about how...

GDC plans summer events as studios from Gamigo to Blizzard to Riot see player surges

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread here in the US and around much of the world, changing life for nearly everyone - even in...

Working As Intended: Deep-diving Star Wars Galaxies’ endgame crafting

When I leaped back into Star Wars Galaxies via the SWG Legends rogue server mid-2018, I didn't really truly think I'd stay all that...

More and more MMOs are offering sales and events during the coronavirus pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, MMOs and other MMO-adjacent games and studios continue to react, bringing their staffs home and offering bonuses...

PlanetSide 2’s addresses bugs, server upgrade delays, and server transfers

PlanetSide 2 executive producer Andy Sites took to Reddit yesterday for an update about "all things," as he puts it. From bug fixes to...

Perfect Ten: Original MMOs that never came to be

"What could have been" is a path that I travel frequently, especially when I write The Game Archaeologist column. It genuinely haunts me that...