
Official Site: Defiance
Studio: Trion Worlds
Launch Date: April 2, 2013
Genre: Sci-Fi third-person shooter
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3

It's not nothing!

Gamigo unleashes Valentines events on ArcheAge, RIFT, Trove, and Defiance

Gamgio's got a fleet of Valentine's Day events stacked up for its MMORPGs. To wit: ArcheAge invites you to "synthesize your love" with the...

Massively Uplifting: 2021 begins with Trove’s trees, Warframe’s Tennobaum, and Star Trek Online’s Tribbles for charity

Ready or not, here 2021 comes! And that's a relief to many. It's no stretch to say that we want 2021 to be a...

Shadow Arena introduces two new heroes and adjusts defense points in latest update

Shadow Arena, aka the battle royale game with fun modes but nobody around to play them, continues to push out updates in defiance of...
Cool guys don't look at explosions.

Defiance yanks away server compensation ‘due to abuse’

Be warned: The Grinch has been spotted skulking around Defiance this week. Just days after Gamigo announced that it would be handing out compensation packages...

Winter holiday events around the MMO universe, 2020 edition

Ho ho ho, it's Santa's younger brother Derrick here to do all of the jobs that Nick can't be bothered with this holiday season!...
hims are chonky

Defiance and Defiance 2050 celebrate the holidays while offering server compensation

Ho-ho-hopefully you like fighting the Volge in Defiance and Defiance 2050 because that's the game's Christmas event this year. Yes, running until January 11th, both games...

The MOP Up: Harry Potter Wizards Unite fights the heavy-hitters

You better bring your A-game and your B-wand to Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, because you're going to be in the virtual fight of your...

Ask Mo: The hits and misses of MassivelyOP’s 2020 predictions

Last December, when we sat down to write out our annual MMO predictions for 2020, I don't think anyone had "biggest global pandemic in...
Good work, dingbat.

Trove, ArcheAge, Defiance, and RIFT start handing out digital advent calendars for the holidays

I'd never been really familiar with advent calendars until I met my husband, who is from Wales, and we bought ourselves an advent calendar...

Wurm Online tweaks favor earnings, favor spells, and PvP ahead of Halloween events

There's been an update to Wurm Online, and while it touches on a variety of things, some of the larger sections in the latest...
Cool guys don't look at explosions.

Halloween comes to ArcheAge, Defiance 2050, and more Gamigo MMORPGs

When you're a publisher like Gamigo, you have the benefit of casting a wide net with your announcements. Case in point: The announcement from the...
Big energy.

Gamigo throws a 20th anniversary bash in all of its MMOs

Have you ever attended a birthday party that was thrown by the birthday boy or girl in question? It's a curious exercise in ego...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s new Sunqua Peak fractal, live today

While Guild Wars 2’s Cantha-centric End of Dragons expansion may not be coming until next year, players eager to visit The Empire of the...

Defiance 2050 will unleash Mayhem and Mutiny once more in its latest event

Defiance 2050 is re-kicking out the jams yet again with the return of the Mayhem and Mutiny event, which will pit players of the...

Trove interview: Gamigo on console’s future, Bomber Royale, and the next class for a revamp

With Trove's fifth birthday and its Delves expansion now behind it, we're curious about what's next for the game. Gamigo's Cornelia and Coby -...

Defiance and Defiance 2050 are getting the Event Horizon event once again

Who's ready for leftovers? Both Defiance and Defiance 2050 are getting a freshly microwaved helping of the Event Horizon event, which is running between...

Defiance 2050 introduces some new community ambassadors to ‘strengthen the communication chain’

While players of Defiance 2050 may have been concerned by the sunset of the game on Xbox 360, it would appear that Gamigo is...

The MOP Up: Second Life’s super expensive brothel

It's not every week that my editor marches up to me and demands that I cover virtual brothels as headlining stories, but this did...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s No Quarter

After March’s relatively lightweight release, Steel and Fire, a lot of Guild Wars 2 players were expecting something big from this month’s release, entitled...

Defiance and Defiance 2050 are having 99 Problems (the event) once again

While Trion most certainly opened the doors wide for all kinds of jabs at the Defiance titles, we're going to try to take the...