dev blog

Flameseeker Chronicles: Expanding into Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns

When Guild Wars 2's expansion was announced, most of the questions on our lips were permutations of "What's the new level cap?" and "What...
World of Warplanes

Wargaming releases guide to World of Warplanes’ war cache

Wargaming has published a dev blog on World of Warplanes' new war caches, which are basically an opportunity for players to finish challenging missions...

Das Tal devs talk about inspiration, weapons, armor, and meaningful conflict

Das Tal is forging ahead with its Kickstarter campaign, netting over $19,000 out of its $55,794 goal with 21 days left. The team is...

Guild Wars 2’s Lion’s Arch reconstruction has begun

Guild Wars 2's Lion's Arch reconstruction has begun, declare patch notes and a new dev post released today by ArenaNet's Gaile Gray. The patch notes, which also...

CCP extends EVE PLEX drive for latest Nepal quake

Nepal can't seem to catch a break, as a second major earthquake has devastated the region two weeks after a quake killed over 8,000...
Worlds Adrift

Here’s how you build your airship in Worlds Adrift

If you're curious about building your own airship in indie sandbox MMO Worlds Adrift, look no further than the latest dev blog. You'll need...
EVE Online

New EVE dev blog details nullsec and sov changes

If you've got an interest in EVE Online's upcoming changes to nullsec and sovereignty mechanics, and you've got a lot of time, you'll probably...
Do you want Borg? Because that's how you get Borg.

How Skyforge’s invasion system works

The world of Skyforge does not sound like a fun place to live. In addition to everything else that people have to deal with...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s beta drop RNG

Never before have I seen Guild Wars 2's Dry Top and the Silverwastes hive with such activity as we've seen this week. In case...
Medieval Engineers

Medieval Engineers adds multiplayer

Keen Software House has added multiplayer functionality to Medieval Engineers. What's Medieval Engineers? It's the firm's followup to Space Engineers, an enormously successful Minecraft-meets-space-survival...
It's not in imminent danger!

There’s an ARG going on in Elite: Dangerous right now

Elite: Dangerous players are in the midst of an ARG based around in-game artifacts that were tracked down by a coordinated community effort. Producer...

EverQuest II adds mercenary lockboxes

Even EverQuest II isn't immune to the money siren's call of lockboxes. The latest entry into the pseudo-gambling purchases came this past week with...

Worlds Adrift procedurally generates ‘amazing’ islands

Just because Worlds Adrift's islands will be procedurally generated doesn't mean that they will be dull and featureless. On the contrary, a new dev...

Learn all about LOTRO’s legendary item imbuement system

Lord of the Rings Online's legendary item system has been a point of fierce community debate ever since it arrived way back in the...

LOTRO’s getting new dungeons with the Osgiliath instance cluster

Lord of the Rings Online's Update 16 is heading our way on Monday, May 4th, and with it comes the first new instance cluster...
EVE Online

EVE Online is scrapping its old tutorial on April 28

Say your goodbyes to EVE Online's current tutorial, because it's being completely removed from the game on April 28th in favor of a new system...
World of Warplanes

World of Warplanes is nixing three-player flights

Wargaming is doing away with three-player premades in its World of Warplanes aerial battler. The firm's latest dev blog says that three-player flights have an...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Stronghold PvP

The PvP team at ArenaNet is steadily gearing up for the release of the Heart of Thorns expansion, with the PvP-inclined among the Guild Wars...

Learn about ship customization and more in today’s ArcheAge livestream

There's lots going on in the world of ArcheAge this week, and most of it is summarized in a Trion website update focused on...

SkySaga explains the tech behind its good looks

SkySaga's developers don't want you to automatically lump their title in with the rest of the voxel crowd based on it looks. A new...