development roadmap

Embers Adrift’s latest content roadmap confirms new zones, new quests, and new creatures

This weekend saw a pretty important livestream debut for Embers Adrift fans, as several of Stormhaven Studios' developers came together to talk about the...

Orna developers are working on Hero of Aethric, a pixel-art open-world mobile MMO

Have you ever enjoyed the lore and systems of a game but thought it might be even better if it were a different genre?...
leave my dagron alone

Legends of Aria’s Steam early access launch is now slated for spring

The testing through early access continues for Legends of Aria, and that includes figuring out the schedule for the game's patches and ultimate release. The...

Fractured releases development roadmap as Kickstarter campaign enters final weeks

Dynamight Studios has released a development roadmap for its would-be crowdfunded MMO Fractured, which is currently sitting at $66,907 US of its goal of...

Closers shares its updated development roadmap

Development roadmaps aren't everything, but it's helpful to know if the next few months of a game are going to be an absolute trash...
Eventually, we'll add women.

Wild West Online posts its development roadmap ahead of a late winter release.

Here's the bad news for Wild West Online testers: The game's next big update has to wait until January, because the developers realized that...
We'll be fine, yes, just fine.

Shroud of the Avatar is not launching this year, but it will have a launch date this year

There's a lot still to be done in the development of Shroud of the Avatar. Even with the most recent major patch for the...
I'll be gone soon.

Lawbreakers plans for new onboarding experience and a new map in September

If you're a big fan of Lawbreakers, don't be dissuaded by the game's tiny player numbers on Steam; there's plans in the wings! The...
The path was found after all.

Pathfinder Online has a roadmap forward and a plan for completion

If you'd lost hope in Pathfinder Online ever making any forward motion again, you should be happy to see that there's a new letter...
The road is through those guys, so...

Albion Online puts forth its roadmap to closed beta

Albion Online's development team isn't just sitting back and basking in the afterglow of a successful summer alpha test. There's a closed beta on...
We are coming undone

H1Z1 postpones roadmap plans to focus on cleanup

Sometimes you just have to stop moving forward and take a little time to get things cleaned up. The team working behind the scenes...