Official Site: Diablo III
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 15, 2012
Genre: Gothic Fantasy OARPG
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Mac, PS2, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
diablo III
Not So Massively: Blizzard’s $1.2 million tourney; X-Wing successor hits Kickstarter
In a bizarre coincidence, four separate MOBAs announced new champions this week. SMITE revealed an adorable Norse squirrel god named Ratatoskr and officially launched...
Blizzard ordered to pay costs in stymied lawsuit against gold seller
It's not always a foregone conclusion that Blizzard will emerge triumphant from its many court cases. Recently, it chalked one up in the "loss"...
The cowpocalypse hits Diablo III for its anniversary
Hey, would you look at that: Today is Diablo III's third anniversary! Of course, this being a hell-torn haunted world, there can't be a...
Did you know Diablo III was once planned as an MMO?
It's indisputable that World of Warcraft took a lot of nods from online Diablo II when it first launched. Sometimes, it almost seems as...
Not So Massively: Heroes of Newerth changes owners; LoL subreddit drama continues
Path of Exile announced a potentially revolutionary and futuristic sounding new Deterministic Lockstep mode that promises sharper gameplay and zero desync for those on...
Week in Review: WoW slips to 7.1M subs [May 10, 2015]
Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review!
Blizzard still succeeding despite World of Warcraft slide
There's no doubt that Blizzard took a mighty hit this past quarter as it lost three million World of Warcraft subscribers in the post-expansion,...
Not So Massively: Star Wars Battlefront is revealed; GTA 5 beats Skyrim
It's been a big week for competitive play in MOBAs. League of Legends opened the registration on its European Battlegrounds tournament and lifted the...
First round of BlizzCon tix sells out
Within a few minutes of going on sale yesterday, the first round of $199 BlizzCon tickets completely sold out. The good news is that...
Not So Massively: LoL nerfs Nidalee, Hearthstone bans mods, and Path of Exile talks Act IV
League of Legends finally applied a nerf to controversial champion Nidalee, but players warn that it won't harm her jungling potential. Riot Games has...
BlizzCon tickets go on sale this week
For many gamers, the hardest ticket to get this year is to November's BlizzCon 2015, as you have to be fast and a little...
Diablo III’s Patch 2.2.0 adds and improves items
Health potions are one of the core elements of Diablo III, but they're not actually interesting to stock up on. The game has thus...
Sanctions force World of Warcraft, Diablo III ban in Crimea
When gamers are caught in the crossfire of international politics, bad things can happen.
Due to US sanctions against Russia, World of Warcraft and Diablo...
Not So Massively: Descent’s Kickstarter woes; Heroes of the Storm’s $450K tourney blunder
Descent: Underground has passed the 50% mark on its Kickstarter campaign and promised to add singleplayer to the title but has only four days...
Diablo III previews upcoming Season 3 rewards
Diablo III players who want to take part in a brand-new season of play don't have much longer to wait. The third season starts...
Choose My Adventure: Torchlight, too
March is but a memory. April is here. And while a new month certainly brings new things to Choose My Adventure, we've got just...
Choose My Adventure: Torchlight Heroes
Our March sampler-platter edition of Choose My Adventure is quickly coming to a close. There's only one more vote to take, one more game...
Diablo III offers a big boost for the Reaper of Souls anniversary
It's hard to believe that players have been enjoying the first Diablo III expansion for over a year, isn't it? Today specifically marks the...
Not So Massively: D3’s ladder reset, HOTS’ team league mode, and Starfall Tactics
Diablo III is getting ready to close its second ladder only two months in on April 5th but will be providing a 100% gold...
Choose My Adventure: Path of Marvel
In last week's Choose My Adventure, we learned a few magic spells and set off to conquer a tiny portion of Diablo III's hellish...