
Everything's cool out here. Like, emotionally.

Trion makes summer plans to port Prime’s best ideas back to RIFT – here’s what both server types can look forward to

It's about to be summer in RIFT - Summerfest, that is. In Trion's latest developer letter, the team lays out what the season will...

Perfect Ten: MMO features that help players express individuality

When you play a single-player game, you automatically feel quite special and unique. You are, after all, the very centerpiece that the entire game...

Bless Online players riot and request refunds over missing endgame PvP, cash shop shenanigans, and duping as Steam reviews plummet

If you thought the Bless Online community was in meltdown after two days of early access headaches, wait until you see the reaction to...

Bless Online struggles with downtime on its first day, offers refunds and plans for the future

If you thought that everything was going to go great for Bless Online's headstart yesterday, what with the lack of preloading and everyone trying...
There is actually quite a lot of this.

Wisdom of Nym: Slicing through Final Fantasy XIV patch 4.3

You know, it's kind of rough to get through all of the content of a new patch in one day, especially when you can't...

The MOP Up: Hyper Universe is heading to Xbox One (May 27, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Riders of Icarus adds reliquaries and maintenance compensation with today’s big update

Want to shake up an MMORPG's status quo and stir up players' excitement? Take a cue from what Riders of Icarus is doing today...

Lost Ark enters ‘final’ closed beta in South Korea with new class trailers

Hey, remember back in 2014 when Smilegate first announced MMOARPG Lost Ark? It's been a long time. As I've written before, I was positively smitten...
It's patch day, oh yeah.

Final Fantasy XIV patch 4.3 is out to be played

It's time to explore the next part of the story and unravel a new set of mysteries in Final Fantasy XIV with the launch...
Back up.

Wisdom of Nym: Checking out Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 4.3 notes

As it always has been, so it is again; we've got our next patch for Final Fantasy XIV just around the corner, and thus...

Chaos Theory: A changing of the guard in the Secret World Legends

As a fan of the wonderful world that Secret World brought us, do you cringe or grin with excitement when Secret World Legends news...

Age of Conan celebrates its tenth birthday by throwing lions at everyone

Ten years of live operation, and Conan still looks like someone killed his puppy. Maybe you need a new hobby, Mr. The Barbarian? We...

Bless outlines its new box price and sub plan, which it does not want you to call a sub

Bless Online's media event and pricing reveal last week may not have gone entirely to plan. You'll recall that Neowiz announced at the time...
Mask of the something or other.

TERA launches the Gilded Mask update and new Attack on Titan collaboration

You might think that because TERA is busy knee-deep in its anniversary celebration all month it can't put out another patch. Surprise! Not only...

The Crew 2 posts new trailers for its May 31st closed beta run

Just ahead of this year's E3, Ubisoft is rolling out The Crew 2's closed beta - that's May 31st through June 4th, and yep,...
Goes boom and stuff.

RIFT hotfix brings soul changes, dragons, and events to the servers

While its rollout has been rocky today, RIFT's "lucky" 13th hotfix brought a lot of content and changes to both the regular and Prime...

Lord of the Rings Online’s 2018 roadmap includes a huge northern expansion and seasonal instances

Don't call it a full-fledged expansion, but Lord of the Rings Online's next content update may be nearing that level of content and focus. Standing...

A quick look at all the non-main-quest stuff to do in Elder Scrolls Online’s Summerset

Much ink has already been spilled over the headline experience in The Elder Scrolls Online's upcoming chapter: Most folks will head to Summerset Isle...

Global Chat: The MMO expansion lifecycle

With the ever-developing, ever-growing nature of MMORPGs, the expansion truly has a life of its own. By now we are well acquainted with the...

TERA’s third anniversary week features more doubled rewards and new employees with scarves

The only way to prove to future generations that you were present for TERA's sixth anniversary is by acquiring an anniversary scarf. Never mind...