
Exclusive: Cabal II previews four launch dungeons

Upcoming MMO Cabal II has previously showcased on Massively OP its fluid combat mechanics and RIFT-like Abysmo system that spawns random mini-dungeons in the open world....

WildStar deep-dives in the Bay of Betrayal

The Bay of Betrayal is another piece of content being added in WildStar's next patch, and it adds in a few more new ideas...
Wow, hey, stuff.

RIFT’s 3.2 Echoes of Madness patch is now available

Trion wants you to know that RIFT's 3.2 patch is officially live. Echoes of Madness adds a 20-player Hammerknell raid and improvements to instant...
How did everything go so predictably wrong?

World of Warcraft adds retro ‘timewalking’ dungeons

There's no reason for you to go back to older dungeons in World of Warcraft unless you particularly like the look of something that...

Trion is upping RIFT’s daily and weekly quest rewards in 3.2

Trion has posted a note on RIFT's official forums confirming that it will be upping the rewards for daily and weekly quests in tomorrow's...

Forsaken World is getting a mobile edition

Could we be on the verge of an MMO mobile gaming revolution? Several mobile versions of Asian MMOs are in the making, including Aion...
We'll defend against whoever in the world we're at war with. Probably ourselves.

World of Warcraft 6.2 adds new dungeon difficulty, zone

If you thought the first major patch of Warlords of Draenor seemed a bit thin on content, you'll be happier with World of Warcraft's...

Take part in a flying raid with Icarus Online

Even if they share common lineage, MMOs must have a distinctive angle or face death by mediocrity. For the upcoming Icarus Online, that hook...

Destiny’s House of Wolves expansion launches May 19th

Destiny fans ready for a new expansion after last December's The Dark Below have to wait until only May 19th for the release of...
Running toward the blue sky.

Wisdom of Nym: What we now know about Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

I honestly hadn't expected to learn quite this much about Heavensward this soon. I don't know why I hadn't expected this, to be fair;...

DCUO returns to the Halls of Power with its next update

With DC Universe Online's sped-up content delivery schedule, players fresh off of the munitions update now can look forward to a new hit of...

RIFT’s Echoes of Madness update arrives on April 15

RIFT players salivating for Update 3.2 won't have much longer to go: Trion Worlds announced that Echoes of Madness will be launching on Wednesday,...

Sci-fi shooter Project Genom begins alpha testing

Why can't intergalactic colonization ever go smoothly? There always seems to be at least one continent-shattering war that has to happen before the first...

Hearthstone unlocks Molten Core wing

Hearthstone players will be treated to a blast from the past this week by visiting Molten Core as part of the Blackrock Mountain adventure...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Four fabulous Guild Wars 2 vistas worth visting

Guild Wars 2 makes me tick because the creatives at ArenaNet have laid such a unique and amazingly vast world at my character's feet, filled with...
Explode everywhere.

WildStar shows off its next raid, Initialization Core Y-83

WildStar is bringing a new raid into the game, Initialization Core Y-83, and it's pretty different from its previous raids. Not fond of attunement...

Global Chat: Are MMO players too mean to game developers?

Is it too easy to forget that MMOs, like all video games, are made by people just like you and I? Belghast over at...
What's that saying about diving into the past because the present is less interesting?

RIFT chronicles the remaking of the Hammerknell raid

If you came into RIFT late in its life cycle, you missed Hammerknell. If you weren't raiding when Hammerknell was super relevant to the...
For one reading of this sequence of words, this looks right.

Dungeons & Dragons Online drops Update 25 and the Temple of Elemental Evil

So what is the Temple of Elemental Evil? Is it a temple devoted to evil performed by elementals? Is it a temple devoted to...

Marvel Heroes adds AXIS raid

Gazillion says that Marvel Heroes was the first online action RPG to featuring raiding, and it's following that up with a new one called...