
Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Cognitive performance and your brain on games

So far in our exploration of the topics in Rachel Kowert and Thorsten Quandt's book The Video Game Debate: Unravelling the Physical, Social, and Psychological Effects of Video...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best pay-to-win MMORPG?

Here's an odd question from a Massively OP reader: What's the best pay-to-win MMO on the market? I know pay to win is a dirty,...

2015 was TERA’s biggest year to date, but players aren’t appeased

TERA Senior Producer Matthew "Denommenator" Denomme has the honor of penning TERA's 2016 community address this week. In the post, he tells players that...

Dungeon Striker shutting down for the second time

It might not have the persistence of Hellgate: London, but Dungeon Striker has released and been shut down once before. Alas, its second lease...
It's real fire! It burns! It's very hot!

ELOA launches part two of ‘The Smash’ expansion with two new dungeons

The second part of ELOA's first big expansion is dubbed "The Smash," but it will be an exercise for readers how smashy the two...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Examining Guild Wars 2’s winter 2016 update plans

Guild Wars 2 Game Director Colin Johanson dropped a massive amount of information about the direction development will take in the first quarter of 2016...
Can't stop won't stop.

Das Tal plans major PvP feature additions for April alpha

Das Tal is due for a new round of alpha testing "for all testers" come April. Fairytale Distillery's Game Direct Alexander Zacherl explained to fans...

Guild Wars 2 winter 2016 update, gliding confirmed for Central Tyria

As part of Game Director Colin Johanson's Q1 state of play update, ArenaNet has confirmed that gliding is coming to the Guild Wars 2 zones...

EVE Evolved: Three things you don’t want to miss in 2016

In the previous edition of EVE Evolved, I looked back at some of the big highlights EVE Online throughout 2015. It was a year that revolutionised...

Check out what World of Warcraft looked like 17 years ago

In 1999, the year that EverQuest released, work was already underway for another fantasy MMO called World of Warcraft. It wasn't until a couple...

The Secret World on AEGIS plans, player perks, and city hubs

Last fall, devs asked The Secret World players to submit their most burning questions about the game, and then the community voted on which...

Massively OP’s guide to choosing an online ARPG

Bored of MMOs, despondent about the industry, or simply looking for something a little different? Turning to something similar to MMOs, yet offering a new...

David Brevik’s new company is Graybeard Games; expect an RPG

During a stream of Marvel Heroes led by his wife last night, former Gazillion CEO David Brevik announced that his new company is called...

Chaos Theory: Looking over your shoulder at The Secret World’s 2015

We've finally left 2015 behind. And while it is perfectly natural to want to glance back in the rearview mirror over the last 12...
Blood's good. You need blood to live.

ArcheAge previews the central dungeon of the Bloodsong

When a whole bunch of people start following a mysterious song to their deaths, you know that something is wrong, even in a setting...

Hyperspace Beacon: A roleplayer’s SWTOR wishlist

The dawn of a new year is a great time for many people to hit a tiny reset button on life. I’m doing that personally....
Myth: Lalafell have to be irritating cutesy-boop piles of crap.

Wisdom of Nym: Elitism and playing properly in Final Fantasy XIV

There was a thread on the official Final Fantasy XIV forums back about... I want to say a million years ago? Maybe two million?...

RIFT raiding guild drama results in player suspensions

Guild Wars 2 isn't the only game to have recently been smacked with a spate of raiding guild drama: The normally unassuming MMO themepark...

Guild Chat: Can MMO progression-seeking become ‘bullying’?

Pull up a chair, help yourself to a leftover mince pie, and make yourself comfortable for another edition of Guild Chat, the place in...

LOTRO Legendarium: Looking back and forwards with LOTRO

I think it is safe to say without any malice whatsoever that Lord of the Rings Online has firmly entered its autumn years. Everything about...