dungeons and dragons

See: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Neverwinter changes up skill nodes to fight botting

The bots of 2016 aren't as cool as the Transformers and Go-Bots of yesteryear told us they'd be. Instead of saving the world and...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR gamers are so stoked for the return of Vette

The first two chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire after the break kind of left the Star Wars: The Old Republic fanbase feeling...

Dungeons & Dragons Online previews the named loot of its next update

The next update for Dungeons & Dragons Online is bringing along some powerful new named items. But are they powerful enough? Will anyone like...
Of course, then you get reminded about the setting.

Neverwinter arrives on the Windows Store for Windows 10

Those who have already upgraded to Windows 10 have been dealing with the usual issues of a new operating system and associated irritations, including...

Dogma: Eternal Night strives to get a playable client operational

While the team behind Dogma: Eternal Night isn't quite ready to roll out a schedule of testing dates, it did report that it's making...

Neverwinter’s tabletop campaign delivers a month of prizes

Neverwinter's not-quite-an-April-Fools-joke tabletop game is scheduled to run through the entire month of April. This is not just to give players a chance of...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 60: Nostalrius down

Justin and Bree discuss Nostalrius, TERA, Black Desert, SWTOR, DDO, Guild Wars 2, and WoW, with mailbag questions on Kickstarters and Tabula Rasa.

Dungeons and Dragons Online tech woes continue a month after datacenter move

Cast your mind back to the long-ago era of "early March 2016," during which Turbine moved Dungeons and Dragons Online to a new datacenter....
The Forgotten Realms is still boring as heck, though.

Neverwinter’s Maze Engine expansion launches for Xbox One May 3

Good news for Xbox One players who love Neverwinter (and there are apparently a lot of you): The game's Maze Engine expansion, which launched...

The MOP Up: Paragon recruits Sevarog (April 3, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Neverwinter warns players of incoming nerfs

Nobody loves to be on the receiving end of the mighty nerf-bat, which is probably why Cryptic is trying to cushion the blow by...

Neverwinter’s in-game tabletop D&D campaign is live today

Neverwinter's "Marvelous Game" is live today, just in time for April Fools' Day shenanigans. Portobello's Campaign is basically a D&D tabletop campaign... inside the D&D...

The Daily Grind: Are older MMOs too intimidating to play?

So here's an odd conundrum that I wrestle with every now and then. I am a big fan of established, long-running MMOs for their...

Neverwinter whips up a new tabletop campaign for April

You might recall that the too-clever-by-half Neverwinter team created a game-within-a-game a while back, transforming players into tabletop figures to go through a campaign...

Perfect Ten: Most notable console MMORPGs to date

It used to be that hunting for a console MMORPG was one of the most fruitless endeavors known to gamers. The PC was where...

The Stream Team: Watch Neverwinter and win a mount

Why walk through your Neverwinter adventures when you can ride a howler mount? MassivelyOP's MJ has a handful of PC codes for this rare...

Neverwinter’s Portobello’s Campaign game-within-a-game launches March 31

If you enjoyed last year's Acquisitions, Inc. live D&D event from PAX Prime 2015, then you're going to love Cryptic's latest stunt. It's called Portobello's...

Enter to win a Neverwinter PC howler mount from PWE and Massively OP

Just in time for this week's Neverwinter: The Maze Engine release on PC, PWE has granted Massively OP 40 mount codes to give away to our readers! The codes...

Neverwinter’s Maze Engine is live today

Neverwinter's Maze Engine expansion is live today for PC players -- you'll be taking on Baphomet’s demonic army and venturing into Castle Never itself,...

Xbox One opens the door to cross-network play

The barrier between console and PC players has lowered a notch this week with an announcement from Microsoft concerning the Xbox One. The company...